Chapter 05. 03 January 1900

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Chapter 5

3 January 1900

When I opened my eyes I saw Jackie lying next to me. She was sound asleep and only ten. “Jackie, wake up. I’m back!” I whispered.

Jackie’s eyes opened. Then she screamed. Then she said, “Oh it’s you! What happened to you yesterday? And what are you doing in my bed?” Then she lifted the sheet and looked under. “And naked again!”

I pulled the sheet down fast. “Hey stop perving on me.” She giggled.

"Well, if you are going to climb into my bed every night with no clothes on what do you expect? So what happened yesterday?"

So I told her about arriving in 1906 and how we had carved our initials in the separator and about the box.

 "Why don’t we do the initials today?”

“I don’t know.” I said. “What will happen in 1906? Will it cause things to change?”

 Then a thought struck me. “Do you think I can change the future?”

“Oh!” Jackie said. “I dunno. Maybe you could change things for the better.”

“Well, I doubt I could do much as a ten year old kid. But, well I don’t know. I guess we will have to be careful.”

“Well, I guess we better find you some clothes and try to explain this to mum. But first are you going to help me with the milking?”

"Why not? Come on. I don’t need a cuppa but do you?”

“Don’t normally have one but I am thinking it could be a good idea. But not today unless mum is up already.”

Fortunately Mrs. Andrews was still asleep and we could sneak out without having to explain how I got back into Jackie’s bed, naked again. Everything was much the same as it was two days ago. Even the bails remained unconcreted.

I commented on this to Jackie. “You know sometime in the next six years you are going to concrete the bails just like in the dairy.” I said.

“Well, you are the time traveller and you may well be right but I can’t see how we could pay for such an extravagance.”

“Well, believe me, it is not an extravagance and I will help you get the money or so you told me yesterday in 1906. You will also be able to become a doctor.”

“You must have chaff in your head. Girls don’t become doctors but I wouldn’t mind being a nurse.”

“There are lots of women doctors in my day. So no reason why you can’t be. You might even be the first one.”

She seemed to think about this for a while. I did also. My thoughts were about changing the future. Had I already changed things? “Do you think that constitutes changing the future?” I asked.

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