{1} Doctor, doctor

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one: you have your regular check up but your usual doctor is on holiday.

TW: unprotected sex, smut, vulgar language and mature themes. ALSO very cliche... I'm sorry!


I sit here, patiently waiting for the doctor to be done with his current appointee, right leg over the left watching the news on a muted TV with bright yellow and blue captions. The buzzer chimes again, a new name showing on the pixelated announcer - it's not my name though.

My phone buzzes in my pocket, taking it out I see a message from my roommate asking when I'll be back - the truth is I have no idea, my appointment was meant to be half an hour ago yet I'm still waiting. I'm surprised, however, when the announcement buzzes again and "y/n y/l/n" is written in red bold capitals.

I stand up, reading it to see which room I need to go to for my appointment, confused when I see a different doctor's name - Dr Styles and not my usual Dr Kennard. I furrow my eyebrows as I walk to the room I'm directed to go towards, lightly knocking on the door labelled '14 - Dr Styles' before opening it when I hear a man utter "come in"

I step in and shut the door behind me, turning to see a young man with curly brunette hair sat at the desk tucked against the wall. "Good afternoon, y/n. Please have a seat. I'm Doctor Harry Styles and I'll be looking after you today," He gestures to the chair closest to the desk and I move forward to sit in it. "You've not specified why you've come to the hospital today, is there anything I can help you with?" He questions after I greet him with an 'afternoon' in response.

"Uh, well actually I thought I'd have Dr Kennard today - she's my usual doctor so I'm thinking maybe I should just reschedule to when she's back." I tell him, slightly embarrassed because the reason I'm here is much more of a... feminine issue that may make him uncomfortable.

"Of course, she's currently on holiday leave and won't be back for further 2 weeks, so if you want to reschedule you are able to do so at the front desk. However, you have this appointment now and I don't see the point in wasting it. Both Dr Kennard and I have the same qualifications, therefore I'll approach the issue the same way in which she would... if that's what you're worried about." He's words make me feel slightly more comfortable and more likely to just sort the issue now - i'm desperate to get to the bottom of it.

"Okay, I don't think I can wait 2 weeks. Thank you for clearing that up," I respond, shifting in my seat as he clicks something on the computer at his desk.

"So what would you like to discuss today?" He asks, his full attention on me - eye contact and all.

"Well, uhm - I'm slightly worried about my sexual health?" It comes out as more of a question as I don't know what bracket this would come under and whether I actually need a doctor for this.

"In what sense? Do you need access to contraceptives? We off-"

I shake my head, "no sorry that wasn't very specific of me! I do take the contraceptive pill so I don't need to think about that stuff but it's more of the fact that I don't find pleasure in it."

Dr Styles sits up, moving his gaze from his computer to my face as he nods for me to continue on. "Well, most people have sex for the element of pleasure and I just don't find that. Even with someone I've dated, even when there was a genuine connection I still couldn't see the pleasure in sex."

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