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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲


September had flown by so fast and Eden hadn't even realised they had been at Hogwarts for a month. It hadn't been a very eventful term at Hogwarts so far but when she was with George, Fred, and Lee the days felt so much more enjoyable. It was Saturday the 9th of October and it was her birthday. It had been a pretty ordinary birthday, nothing special, but she didn't mind. She had received a few cards and presents from her friends and family. Lee had bought her a few sweets and chocolates and Fred had bought her a book that she had really wanted. It was a book about Greek Mythology. When she was young her father told of her how in different, ancient cultures people worshipped different gods. He told her about the most famous myths such as Hercules from Greek Mythology and told her about gods such as Odin from Norse Mythology. Ever since then she was drawn to it and would always be interested in learning about some sort of mythology. So, therefore, she was extremely delighted when Fred gave her this present. In her card from him, he had told her she was a nerd for wanting a book for a present but hoped she would enjoy it.

She was a little disappointed that George hadn't even given her a card or anything but she just assumed that the card and gift from Fred were shared and he forgot to write George's name. She tried not to think about it too much because he was the first person to wish her a happy birthday so she knew he remembered.

Eden was actually sat in the library reading her new book, she had left the common room so she could focus on it. About an hour and a half ago, Fred and George had walked down with her before leaving to go and get in some early practice before the start of the new Quidditch season. Lee had decided to go and watch them.

"Hey." She turned to see Lee walking towards her.


"They finished practice because it was getting dark. I told them to head up while I came to see if you wanted to come back to the common room with us."

"Yeah, sure."

She picked up her book and they headed for the Gryffindor Tower. The Fat Lady allowed them entry after Lee told her the password and they climbed through to find the common room in total darkness.

"Why are all the lights out? What's go-" Eden was cut off by the flashing lights turning on and a crowd of students jumping out and shouting surprise. She got scared and gave a small scream. There was a banner hung that read 'Happy 16th Birthday, Eden!' She was shocked at first but came to her senses and smiled around at everyone.

"Happy birthday, Eden. We hope you like the party, we mastered the muffliato charm just for this so McGonagall wouldn't catch us," Fred said as he walked up with George beside him. People had started to form groups and the party had started.

"We even convinced Hermione and Percy not to say anything to her," George added.

"Well, thank you. Really. This looks amazing."

"There are going to be a couple more people coming, we invited a lot of students from the other houses so we are going to have to sneak them in. Anyways, let's get this party started for real!" Fred shouted and ran off to go start playing some music.

The common room was painted with colour from the flashing lights as people around George and Eden started dancing. They made their way over to a table that had been set out with cups, bottles of fire whiskey (no doubt, Fred and George had smuggled these from the kitchens), and some snacks.

"I know you said Percy was alright with a party but what does he have to say about the underage drinking," She laughed as she poured herself a drink.

"Well Percy decided to actually stay in his room, he's not exactly the partying type, but if he comes down we will have to hide it somewhere I guess," George shrugged, pouring himself one, as she took a sip of the beverage. "Hey, before you go getting too drunk I have something for you."

"What is it?"

"I'm not going to just tell you, it's a surprise." He smirked at her, which made her heart skip a beat. This boy had no idea what he was doing to her. "Come on," He continued.

Eden followed him as he led the way up the stairs to his dormitory. They entered the room and George, placed his cup on a bedside cabinet and then started rummaging through a drawer. She placed her cup beside his, sat down on the bed, and watched him. He pulled out a small black box and an envelope before he sat down beside her. He handed her the envelope and she opened it and read the card inside. She smiled to herself. Next, he handed her the box and she opened it to reveal a beautiful bracelet.

"Look, I know you know my family doesn't have a lot of money, so I'm going, to be honest with you. I couldn't buy you something worth more but in Egypt, I saw that in the same shop I bought the locket and I thought you might like it," He rambled on as she stared at the bracelet. "Oh god, you don't like it, do you?"

"George, I love it! It's so beautiful and, look, it doesn't matter how much it cost, alright. It is worth more to me, I promise." She smiled softly at him. He was so sweet to her, she knew she was lucky to have him in her life.

"Here, let me put it on you." He picked up the bracelet as she held out her wrist for him. His skin touched hers and she felt a shock of electricity. She wondered if he had felt it too. She examined the bracelet he had just fastened on and was shocked by how beautiful it really was. She couldn't believe he could ever think she wouldn't like it. She leaned forward and hugged him. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around her.

"Thank you," She whispered in his ear, closing her eyes, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms. She pulled away, which felt almost painful and looked into his eyes. Their noses were nearly touching as she stared into those deep brown eyes.

The urge to kiss him is going to win soon if you don't pull away. She thought. She quickly turned her head and stood up from the bed.

"Well, we should probably rejoin the party, they're probably missing us down there," She joked. She hoped the awkwardness she was feeling wasn't obvious.

"Yeah. You're right," He said, picking up both cups from the cabinet, handing Eden her cup.

The rest of the night was spent, drinking and dancing. Slytherins, Hufflepuffs, and Ravenclaws had joined the party about an hour after it had started and the room had been packed full with people. She didn't think she had ever seen George as drunk as he was that night, he was jumping around the room, dancing on tables, and would, at some points, randomly grab her and spin her around. Overall, the night had been an exciting one. It was, by far, the best party Eden had ever been to. In the early hours of the morning, students from the other houses started to leave, and after they had all left the remainder of the people started to disperse to their dorms. As per usual, the twins were the last to leave, and by default, so were Lee and Eden.

Fred had been conscious enough for Lee and Eden to haul him up to his room and lay him on the bed. When the two had left Fred to go get George, they had found he had crawled onto the settee and was laying with his eyes shut.

"George, are you awake," The girl whispered. He gave no reply.

"He's asleep, looks like we'll just have to leave him. He'll be fine." Lee stretched and yawned before muttering a goodnight and heading up to bed. When he was out of sight Eden ran up to her dorm, careful not to wake the other girls in her room, and brought down a blanket for him. She left a glass of water for him before gently laying the blanket over him. She gazed at him for a minute, and before she could stop herself, she gave him a light kiss on his forehead. She smiled at his soft little snores, before heading up the stairs to get some well-needed rest.

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A/N: Hi, sorry this update took so long, I have been really busy with exams but now I have broken up from college for summer so hopefully I will be able to update more. Also, my mum tested positive so this morning she had to go for a more accurate test hopefully she doesn't have it. Anyway, that's a mini-update in my life, thanks for reading this chapter.

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