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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐲


Today was the first day of term and Eden was not excited to find out that she had Potions first thing. Having Snape, first lesson, on a Monday morning was not the best way to start off the week. At least she didn't have to suffer alone. Fred, George, and herself made their way down into the grimy dungeons, preparing themselves for the next torturous hour they would have to endure.

"I can't believe we have to spend our first hour of the new school year with that greasy git. He hates our guts, he's gonna make this year a nightmare for us," George groaned.

"You did put a dungbomb inside a jar of newt eyes and you threw stink pellets in his storage cupboard to make it worse."

"Eden, whose side are you on?" They said in unison, both pretending to be offended by her comment.

"Of course I'm on your side I was just sayin. Anyway, it was funny really, and he kinda deserved it for the way he treats everyone who isn't in Slytherin."

"Why are you dawdling in the hallways, hurry up and come into class." A cold, drawling voice came from the end of the hallway. She looked up to see Snape at the doorway of his class.

"Speak of the devil," Fred said under his breath as they all hurried along to Snape's class.

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"I'm ready to call it quits for today. That was torture and I simply can't go on." George feigned dramatically after they had left the dungeons, stopping at the top of the stairs.

The lesson had been extremely dull and by the end of it, Fred and George had managed to lose at least 50 points for Gryffindor due to their snide remarks and disruptive behaviour. Even when they had been sitting quietly, which was a rare occasion, Snape somehow managed to find a way to take points.

"Me too, let's just call it a day and go back to the common room." Fred agreed, standing next to his brother.

"Quit acting like babies, we aren't going to the common room, come on we have Herbology next and Professor Sprout never makes us do anything too difficult on the first day."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Fred said, setting off again.

"Fine. Drag me," George sighed, holding out his arm, acting like a 5-year-old.

"George," Eden said in a stern voice with an equally stern expression on her face. He gave her a shy little smile, before walking next to her.

"I'm joking, I'm joking," He said as both of them caught up with Fred. When they had finally made it to the greenhouses, all of the other students were already there. They took the only places left, Fred and George on one side of the table and Eden on the opposite side, facing George.

"Hello class, as you know this year you will be taking your O.W.Ls and therefore this year, before the exams, we will be studying some of the most dangerous plants as well as revisiting the ones we have studied the past four years. We will be revisiting the other plants in the last half of the school year but I need to see which ones you all struggle with the most, that is why today you will spend the lesson filling out this questionnaire." The last sentence earned her a groan from the class, Fred and George being the loudest, as always.

"Settle down class. This is not a test, you won't be graded on these I just need to see what we need to revisit. However, this does not mean you can work together, I need to see what each individual struggles with." She continued as she began handing out the sheets.

After she had handed them out she set a timer for the end of the class and they began. She wandered up and down along the tables, making sure everyone was answering on their own. The entire way through class, every five or ten minutes, George would throw a little crumpled piece of parchment to Eden. Inside each one he had drawn funny little doodles of different plants, to which she replied with her own drawings.

She had finished her questionnaire with 10 minutes to spare so she sat back in her chair and observed the class. Herbology was one of the easiest lessons for her, she just seemed to remember the different plants without having to study too hard. Turning her head, her eyes met George's and he smiled at her before pulling a funny face at her. It was this childish game she and George liked to play where they would see if they could make the other laugh in class. She bit back a laugh and pulled her own face at him. They both somehow managed to control themselves for the last few minutes of the lesson and the second they stepped out of class they both burst out laughing.

"You too really are children, you know that?" Fred said as he joined them outside and threw his arms around their shoulders. His arms were at odd angles because of the height difference between them and Eden.

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The first day had been a pretty simple and easy one. Other than potions that morning the lessons had been alright. It was time for the evening meal so Eden headed down with Lee. Fred and George had had a different lesson to her. She had all lessons with them except for Ancient Runes, they instead opted for Muggle Studies, mainly for the sake of their dad and also because none of the other options interested them enough. Lee had had Divination and Eden had met him outside the Great Hall before heading in together.

"So, how was Divination?" She asked Lee as the two of them seated themselves at the Gryffindor table.

"Rubbish, as always. Trelawney today predicted that my tragic demise may come soon, so same old, same old," He said before cutting a piece of steak and popping it in his mouth.

"Make sure to chew that plenty, we don't want it leading to your 'tragic demise.'" She laughed and he joined in. As their laughter was dying down she saw the twins enter the Great Hall, along with a gaggle of people. Eden felt a flame of jealousy inside her and she rolled her eyes instinctively. The two of them were extremely popular, many people had crushes on them, so this wasn't a new sight. Despite George brushing them off it still hurt to see how many others liked him. Fred was flirtatious towards the girls so the attention was mainly on him but today there was a Hufflepuff who just wouldn't take her attention off of George. The jealousy increased as Eden rose up out of her seat before she knew what she was doing. Behind her, Lee asked her what she was doing but she didn't pay any attention. She stormed over to the group and just as she stood in front of them she stopped herself from saying something she might regret. Quickly, she started pushing her way through the crowd.

"Hi, Eden," George said he saw her approaching.

"Hi," She mumbled half-heartedly before breaking out of the huddle and heading to the nearest bathroom. George watched as she ran off but couldn't get to her through the crowd. Once Eden had made it to the bathroom, she took a few deep breaths, turning on the tap to splash some water in her face.

Stop being so ridiculous. So what if someone else likes him, he's not yours. She thought to herself.

"He's not yours," She said out loud. Her own words strung but it was the truth and the sooner she realised that, the better. After she had collected herself, she returned to the Great Hall. The small crowd had dispersed now and George was sat in between Fred and Lee. She joined them, sitting next to Lee again.

"Where did you run off to?" Lee asked.

"Oh, I just went to the bathroom," She replied, nonchalantly.

For the entire meal, she tried to act as she normally would but it was difficult when she started thinking about the Hufflepuff girl. What if George liked her back? What would Eden do if George started dating someone? She didn't think she could deal with having her heartbroken that way.

Imagine that, he could break your heart into a million pieces and he wouldn't even know it had happened. She said inside her head. God, I really am pathetic.

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