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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐨𝐫


His eyes were the first thing Eden saw when she woke up. Those perfect eyes. They had been one of the first things she had noticed about him when they had first met.

"Wake up sleepy-head, you need to go and change into your robes." His voice was almost as beautiful as his eyes, she thought. She smiled and shook her head at him before getting up and leaving the compartment to get changed. As she was changing in the toilet, she couldn't help but smile to herself.

It had been four years to the day since Eden had met the Weasley twins. Those years had flown by. All three of them had been sorted into Gryffindor and after the Sorting Ceremony, she had chatted with the twins from the beginning to the end of the feast. It was at the feast where they all had met their other friend, Lee Jordan. From then on it was the four of them. She had never had friends as amazing as the twins and Lee before.

She cared deeply about her friends but her feelings towards each of them were different. Fred and Lee were both incredibly funny, of course, always making her laugh but her heart didn't race a mile a minute whenever they said her name. She never got butterflies in her stomach whenever her eyes met one of theirs'. George, however, did make her feel those things. Hundreds of butterflies fluttered in her stomach every time he looked at her. She had, in fact, felt an instant connection to George when she first met him and by the end of first year, Eden was certain of her feelings towards him.

After finishing tying her tie, she exited the toilet and walked back to the compartment where the three boys were sat talking. Planning some sort of joke no doubt. She slid open the door.

"How do I look, boys?" She said in a terrible, posh accent and posed jokingly.

"Absolutely radiant," Fred said, copying the voice.

"Exquisite, dear," Lee replied.

"Ravishing as ever, m'lady," George rolled his 'r' and flailed his hand in the air before lowering his head, pretending to bow.

Eden closed the door as the boys laughed a little before taking her seat again, besides George. Before she had fallen asleep, there had been nothing but a familiar blur of green and blue outside the window which had made her daydream, thinking of her first interactions with George on that sacred day, four years prior. Those bright colours had now been replaced with dull grey. It was raining heavily so the landscape was distorted like an abstract painting.

"How long was I asleep?"

"Honestly, we don't know we fell asleep ourselves for a little while." Replied Fred, looking out the window to see if Hogwarts was anywhere in sight.

"We woke up about an hour before we woke you up. We would have got you up then but you were just so funny to watch, drooling in your sleep." George teased, smirking at her.

"Hey!" She playfully hit his arm.

"I'm only joking. You don't drool. You looked so peaceful, we didn't wanna disturb you." He rubbed his arm a little, replacing his smirk with a soft smile. The train started to slow.

"We aren't at Hogwarts yet, why are we stopping?" Fred furrowed his brow. Eden, George and Lee joined him at the window, seeing that there was, indeed, no castle in sight. As they gazed out of the window, frost began crawling up the glass, covering it in a frosty sheet. An empty, cold feeling swept over Eden's body as she sat back down in her seat.

"This is weird. It's so cold," She exclaimed, as she looked around at her friends. Suddenly the lights flickered and then went off.

George walked to the compartment door and opened it peering along the train corridor before turning his head the other way. When he did he suddenly jumped back a little, away from the door. A shadowy creature glided into view as George stood frozen. The hooded figure stood in the doorway, as Eden reached for George's hand, pulling him towards her, onto the seat. Her heart was pounding loudly in her ears, it was almost deafening. She knew exactly what that creature was: a dementor.

After a few minutes of piercing silence, the creature moved away and continued along the train. The cold slowly ebbed away. A warmth started to spread across her body, the epicentre being her hand which was still holding tightly onto George's. Quickly, she pulled her hand away, feeling her cheeks flush slightly. The second she broke contact with him, her heart ached to touch him again.

"Do you think that had something to do with Sirius Black?" Fred asked.

"Must be. Remember, dad mentioned that the dementors were searching high and low, checking anywhere they can," George replied. "I just hope they find him fast. I don't really fancy having to come face-to-face with one of those again," He continued.

"Me either, that was horrible," Lee said with a shiver.

They all sat in silence for a few minutes, as the train began to move again, confused and shocked about what had just happened. They were all unsure of what to say. The atmosphere had been drained of all happiness. Instead of thinking about the incident, Eden tried focusing on Hogwarts. Another year at that magical place, with her best friends, what could be better? It had been even better than what she had expected from her parents' stories. She had shut her eyes again but was listening to the sound of the train moving until it was interrupted.

"Don't be falling asleep again, because next time we might not wake you and just leave you on the train instead," George said in a mock-serious tone. She opened her eyes and raised her eyebrows at him.

"You wouldn't survive a week at Hogwarts without me, Weasley. You need me too much," She joked. To this George rolled his eyes and gave a light chuckle.

"We're here now guys, so you can stop flirting." Fred looked between the two of them before looking out of the window.

"Shut up, Fred!" They both said in unison. Lee laughed, earning a glare from Eden.

Eden got up and joined Fred at the window again, and watched, as they got closer and closer to the castle. No matter how many times she saw it, it would never fail to take her breath away. It was so beautiful, especially at night, with the picturesque backdrop of stars.

Finally, they pulled up to Hogsmeade station and started their journey up to the castle. Their luggage was already waiting at the castle, as it always was, so they didn't have to carry it. They walked towards a carriage drawn by some invisible creature and climbed inside. She sat across from George this time. On the journey up, she watched as the dark trees rushed past outside. One of Eden's favourite things about coming to Hogwarts was the journey to it, never once had it failed to capture her attention.

As they neared the castle, she turned her focus to George to find that he was already looking at her. He quickly turned and looked away. She brushed it off, however, as the carriages had drawn to a halt. Lee hopped out followed by Fred and then George. Eden stood up and went to step down but she tripped and stumbled out only to be caught by George. She blushed as she once again looked up and stared into those captivating eyes, unable to move for a moment. When she finally had managed to move out of his grip she wished she had stayed a while longer.

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A/N: Hi, I hope you enjoyed this. I will try and update as much as possible but I can, at times, be really busy with college work. Also, I am working on other books as well which I will hopefully post in the future.

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