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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫


"Well, well, well what do we have here."

Eden instantly recognised the voice and it made her blood boil. Turning her head, she saw Draco Malfoy and his moron friends, Crabbe and Goyle, striding towards them.

"You shouldn't be doing that in public, don't you have any class?" He snarled. She looked down at George and noticed their compromising position. They both scrambled to their feet and Eden scowled at the blonde boy. "Well, I mean this is probably as much privacy as you could get with a Weasley."

"What's that supposed to mean?" George snapped.

"Well, it's not like you'd get the privacy at home to do such things. Doesn't your family sleep in one room?" The second the words left his lips George charged forward at him. Eden tried to grab his arm but she didn't react fast enough and he punched Malfoy square in the jaw. Malfoy stumbled backward as she managed to grab George's arm before he brought it up to hit him again.

"George, leave it, he's not worth it." She pulled him away, towards the castle.

"Yeah, you should listen to your girlfriend. Too scared to do much else. One punch, is that all you've got?" George broke out of her grip and turned, but Malfoy was already there. He hit George across the face, busting his lip. George retaliated, hitting him even harder than before. The blow sent Malfoy down to the ground with a whimper. Eden grabbed George's arm again. It had been a short fight but Malfoy was clearly not as strong as George and was really no match for him.

"Fuck you, Malfoy," She said before marching away, pulling George with her.

They quickly made their way inside the castle, but as they walked she didn't let go of his arm.

"You shouldn't let him get a rise out of you, it's just what he wants."

"I'm sorry, he just really knows how to get under my skin."

"Just don't listen to him alright. What he says about your family, it's bullshit. He was born into riches he doesn't know how to be anything other than a stuck-up twat." She laughed a little and this got a hearty laugh from George too. "Now, come on, let's go to Madam Pomfrey to fix up this cut.

"Oh no, please don't. She'll ask what happened and if she knows I got into a fight I'll get detention. I get enough of those as it is."

"Fine, I'll treat it, but I can't do as good a job as Madam Pomfrey. I think I have a few things in my room." She realised she had a hold of his arm so she awkwardly let go of it before they headed up to the Gryffindor tower.

Climbing through the portrait hole, Eden saw that some people had begun tidying up the common room and it was already looking much better. Fred, who was picking up some empty cups from one of the tables turned his head.

"You two feeling bet- Hey, what happened, Georgie?"

"Malfoy happened, that's what," She said, glancing at Fred.

"That little..."

"Don't worry though, Malfoy definitely got the worst of it." George smiled at his twin but winced slightly.

"I'm going clean his lip up for him, then I'll come down and help." She walked off but had to turn around again because George was too busy telling Fred about what had happened. "Come on," She said in a sing-song voice, grabbing his hand this time and pulling him upstairs.

Once upstairs, she turned to George, to see him looking down at their interlocked hands, with a slightly shocked expression. Eden blushed before quickly pulling her hand away. Hoping he wouldn't see how red her cheeks were, she moved away to collect the things to treat his wound. George looked around her room as he waited. On her bedside cabinet, taking up most of the space, he saw a record player. On the wall above it, there were some small pictures of different muggle bands and artists. Some he recognised because his dad had bought a load of songs that muggles listened to and others that he didn't.

Once she had gotten everything she walked over to her bed and then told him to come over. She sat him down on the bed and positioned his head so that she could clean his wound. She was gentle when cleaning the wound and she wiped the blood that had trailed down his cheek. Luckily, the wound was not deep and it was quickly treated.

"Guess you were right." He gave an airy laugh as she was finishing up.


"Earlier, when you said it was your job to look after me. Well, here you are doing it again."

"Yeah, I guess so," She grinned a little at him.

"Why do you do it?"


"Why do you care so much?" She was a little taken aback by the question, unsure of how to answer it.

I care because I love you, is what she wanted to say.

"I do it because you're my best friend. You're just so amazing, I can't help but care about you, George."

"I care about you too you know? Actually, I don't think you do know how much I care about you." Yet again they were staring into each other's eyes. A few minutes went by and that overwhelming temptation to kiss him began taking over Eden's body again. She needed to think of something quick to stop herself. She coughed a little changing the subject.

"Hey, earlier you never told me about what you're planning to do."

"Oh yeah, right." He looked away, rubbing the back of his neck. She wished he wouldn't do that, she found it so attractive when he did that.

"So, Fred and I were planning on sneaking into Filch's office, first of all, to get back some of the items he confiscated, but also to mess with him. We wanted to turn his office upside down, stick everything to the ceiling but we thought of something to take it one step further. We wanted to translate all his letters into a different language. Neither Fred nor I know another language but we know that you study Ancient Runes. It will be a lot of work but if you're up for it, it will be amazing."

"Yeah, okay, I'm in. When are we going to do it?"


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𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 ༅:* 𝐆.𝐖 (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now