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Halloween soon came around and it was the first trip to Hogsmeade. George, Fred, Lee, and Eden were in the courtyard waiting for everyone to hand in their permission slips to McGonagall and Filch. Harry attempted to talk to McGonagall to convince her to sign his permission slip but she refused. The rest of the students had started to walk while Hermione and Ron had stayed back a little while Harry had spoken to McGonagall. Eden turned and looked over her shoulder as Harry spoke to his friends before he headed inside and they headed in the direction of the other students.

"I feel bad for him," Eden stated.

"Yeah, me too, but I'm not surprised the Dursleys didn't sign his slip. Remember last year?" George asked.

"Yes I do, you and Fred told me and boasted for weeks about how you saved Harry, honestly, you're lucky you weren't the ones who led to your dad being questioned. If someone had overheard you, you could have ended up being the one on the receiving of a howler. "

"Well, that's why we only told you. Ron was the idiot who decided to fly it during the day, visible for all the Muggles to see."

"Anyway, come on let's catch up to Fred and Lee," Eden said. Her watching the scene between Harry and McGonagall unfold meant that George and herself were at the back of the group not including Hermione and Ron.

They walked past a few people before they found Lee and Fred.

"Hey guys," Lee said as Fred and him turned to look at the other two.

"Hi, so where to first?" Eden asked.

"Well, I want to go to Zonkos."

"Of course you do Fred. Well, we can go there, then to Honeydukes and after that maybe we should go to the Three Broomsticks for some butterbeer. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good," George replied and the other two nodded in agreement.

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"4 butterbeers please," George ordered their drinks and paid after the group had sat down at a table in the Three Broomsticks. The twins and Lee had all bought a plethora of items from Zonkos but nothing had caught Eden's eye that day. Afterward, they had bought chocolate frogs, sugar quills, and many other sweets from Honeydukes before heading over to the little pub they now sat in.

"I can't wait for the Halloween feast tonight," Fred said after their drinks had arrived.

"Yeah, me too. It's always the best," Lee added. George took a sip of his butterbeer and when he placed it back down Lee and Fred both laughed a little in unison. Eden looked between the two, confused before turning to the boy beside her and she joined in with their laughter.

"What?" George asked turning around, confused.

"You've got a little something..." Eden motioned towards the top of his lip. George grabbed a napkin and wiped off the froth which had been there.

"Ha ha, very funny," He said sarcastically. The other three laughed a little and when their laughter finally died down, Eden changed the subject.

"So, how's Quidditch practice been going so far?"

"It's been pretty good, Fred and I didn't have our usual amount of practice over the summer because we were in Egypt but I think we have a good chance of winning the first match."

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 ༅:* 𝐆.𝐖 (On Hold)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ