Melinoe - 1915

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"I don't suppose we should be left alone as we are

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"I don't suppose we should be left alone as we are. No oversight, no handlers to monitor. Three operatives running loose on the other side of the Rhine. The only operatives this side of the Rhine. It provides an elitist feeling, eliciting a kind of pride.

We had heard of the other operatives before being sent into the field, kings, and queens of intelligence, we were told. Enyo thinks we are no different from the others but I think we are better. We have to be.

There is royalty among the spy networks in France and the Netherlands but we, we are the gods of British intelligence. Like the Olympians, our espionage is bound by more than loyalty, our wrists tied with the secrets we keep. Shed blood holds us together and we will see this war through. I'm sure of it."

-recovered from the field journal of Operative S. G. Codenamed Melinoe. Dated: July 18th 1915. 

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