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Shela and Dean had gotten on the plane and were getting ready to head back to the states, they placed their carry-ons in a compartment and took their seats. The couple had been exhausted from their most recent adventure and just wanted to sleep. Dean had forgotten all about his phobia and started to relax a little bit. When the plane took off, Shela had laid her head down on Dean's shoulder and fallen asleep. Dean looked over at Shela with a smile, he kissed her on the head and proceeded to lean his head on hers. The two had eventually fallen asleep together and were finally on their way home. Getting back to the airport was a bit of a hassle as Kristina was trying to make sure that she didn't forget anything, and Sam had to check them out and return their rental car. Eventually the two made it to the airport and since the two were exhausted from their trip they almost forgot to place their luggages above them when they got on the plane.

It was late at night and even though she hated trying to sleep on the plane, Kristina decided to give into her exhaustion and fell asleep in her seat. Sam stayed up a bit longer than she did, he smiled at the sight of her fast asleep because this entire trip had stressed her out so seeing her calm was a pleasure. Without warning she moved in her sleep and rested her head on him, he smiled perhaps this trip wasn't so bad after all. Tiredness eventually consumed him as well and by the time he woke up the plane had landed back in America.

"Hey sleeping beauty time to wake up, we've landed," he said gently shaking his girlfriend awake. She reacted instantly and was surprised that she had managed to sleep through an entire plane ride.

"How in the world did I manage to fall asleep? I can never fall asleep on a plane," She asked, rubbing her eyes and groggily getting out of her seat to grab her carry-ons.

"That's not the most surprising thing that happened on this trip, besides you were really tired," Sam said to her and she gave him a look before exiting the plane. As the two walked off to baggage claim, the two spotted Dean and Shela at starbucks drinking some coffee. Kristina and Sam made their way over to Starbucks as Shela had started to drink her White chocolate Mocha.

"Hey you guys," says Kristina, "Did you have an enjoyable flight? Shela why do you look exhausted?"

"Because I am," Shela responded. "Also, I got you your favorite drink," Shela held out the vanilla bean frappuccino to her friend who politely took it. Dean also handed his brother a coffee and smiled.

"Did you guys have an enjoyable flight?" Sam asked as he politely took his coffee and sat down next to his brother.

"I don't know I was asleep," Dean responded as he drank from his coffee cup.

"Aww I was hoping for a funny story about you being scared of the plane," Kristina said teasing Dean. Shela smirked and pulled out her phone.

"You sure that you want to hear stories of Dean being scared? How about something funny?" Shela asked as she started to go through her phone.

"Shela, don't you dare," says Dean.

"Oh tell us about the Duende," Sam suggested as he was eager to know more about that part of their trip.

"I'll show you," Shela responded and found the video. She sat the phone on the table and slid it toward Kristina and Sam then pressed play. Sam and Kristina watched as Dean had reached for his watch only to find the Duende steal it from him right under his nose. They watched a little longer and saw that Dean was chasing the duende around the room, Dean had turned toward the camera and saw Shela recording it. "Ugh Seriously?!" Dean had said into the camera.

"Shela turn that off," Dean said as he placed his head on the table.

"So wait what am I looking at here? Because it looks like my brother got beaten by a dwarf," Sam said, trying to hold back his laughter. Kristina on the other hand was laughing her head off at the sight of Dean chasing the duende. Because it was hilarious.

"It was not a dwarf, it was only a really tiny person, with an attitude," Dean responded as he lifted his head up and looked at his brother.

"So dwarf," Sam confirmed.

"It doesn't matter what it was!" Dean exclaimed. "I still beat it!" Shela stopped the video and placed the phone in her back pocket.

"Yeah okay Dean you beat the dwarf, that's why I had to convince you to give it an offering after it poured a bucket of water on your head," Shela said while she let out a laugh to a point where her eyes were starting to water.

"Wait that actually happened?" Kristina asked laughing between her words while Sam chuckled.

"Oh yeah it happened right after we hung up," Shela responded.

"Okay can we stop talking about this and go home? At this point I'm exhausted and want to collapse in bed," Dean said, wanting desperately to change the subject.

"I thought you fell asleep on the plane?" Kristina asked.

"I did, but I'm still tired, give me a break here!" Dean exclaimed as he got up from the table.

"Okay guys, let's just get back to the bunker, apparently Dean doesn't want to touch on the subject about him losing to a Duende," Shela teased.

"Shela, one more word and I will find something embarrassing about you," Dean warned even though Shela knew that he wouldn't do such a thing. Dean and Shela laughed as the group started to walk away.

"So, Kristina and Sam," Shela said. "How was your trip?"

"Oh well we fought a Jinn, turns out there was no Nuckelavee," Sam said and that's all he wished to say as he didn't want to bring up his psychic powers.

"A jinn?" Dean questioned. "How did you fight it off without the proper weapons?"

"Simple, we used her magic against her, I wished she was never a Jinn," Kristina explained.

"Why didn't I think of that?!" Dean exclaimed.

"Because you kill first then asked questions later," Shela said. "Which is something I like about you Dean Winchester." Without another word, the group climbed into the jeep as Kristina drove back to the bunker. Upon arriving at the bunker, they parked their car in front and climbed out carrying their bags inside. Dean unlocked the bunker and entered followed by Sam and the girls. Shela had turned on the light as it illuminated the entirety of the bunker. Castiel sat in one of the chairs and stood up, making his way toward the group.

"Winchesters, Shela and Kristina," says Castiel, causing the group to stop and look over at him.

"Cass?" Sam said.

"We need to talk," Castiel simply said. 

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