ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕟𝕖

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"Hey Dad," Kristina said over the phone, because of what she did on a daily basis now she hadn't seen much of her family. So it was always nice to hear from them, even though they worried about her constantly they texted her practically everyday to check if she was still alive. At least they were supportive of her relationship with Sam, her parents seemed to like him even though Sam didn't think so because her Dad never stopped staring at him when he was introduced to them.

"Did you get the tickets?"Her Dad asked on the other end.

"Yes they came in this morning," She responded with a smile. Her heart leapt as she thought of the trip she had planned. All her life she had wanted to see where she came from, which was Italy and now she was finally getting the chance.

"Is Shela excited?"

"Oh yeah she was practically flying when we got the envelope," Kristina answered right then Shela walked in holding the envelope that contained the tickets.

"Hey Mr. Cossa," Shela said as soon as she noticed that her friend was on the phone.

"Hi Shela how is the boyfriend treating you?" He asked and she didn't respond to that she just blushed.

"You got her speechless Dad," Kristina laughed as it was rare for Shela to have nothing to say about her relationship with Dean.

"Special gift of mine, enjoy your trip," He answered and then hung up.

"Have you told the boys yet?" Kristina asked her friend.

"No you know Dean hates flying," Shela responded.

"I know which is why you need to tell him, so he doesn't have a heart attack when you take him to the airport," Kristina said.

"Ugh I hate it when you're right," says Shela as she and Kristina walked to the armory knowing where they would actually be. Sam and Dean were in the armory busy checking to make sure all the weapons were taken care of.

"So how'd it go with Mr. and Mrs. Cossa?" Asked Dean as he had noticed his brother seemed zoned out and deep in thought.

"I don't want to talk about it," Sam answered.

"It couldn't be that bad, at least you didn't have to talk to your girlfriend's siblings," said Dean.

"Oh right how did that go? Older brother threatened to kill you?" Sam joked.

"Shut up all he said was if I hurt Shela then I'm in the dog house," says Dean.

"Oh so he threatened you," Sam responded. Before Dean could say anything else, Shela and Kristina knocked on the armory door. The Winchesters stopped what they were doing and turned toward the door.

"Hey boys," says Shela, "do you mind coming out to the living room? Kristina and I have some important news to share with you,"

"Oh god, don't tell me your sister wants to kill me too," spoke Dean as Sam chuckled.

"No Dean, you know she loves you," Shela responds. "Just come out to the living room," the girls walked out as their boyfriends followed and made their way to the living room where they sat down on the couch.

"What are you doing?" Asked Kristina.

"Oh just remembering the worst day of my life," responds Sam.

"It wasn't that bad!" Kristina responded.

"You and I remember that very differently then," Sam took a seat next to his brother.

"Now keep an open mind," Shela said as she quickly looked over at Dean. "And that means you two sweetheart," Dean went silent and waited for Shela and Kristina to get to the point. "How do you guys feel about taking a little vacation?"

"Wait, we are?" Says Dean as Shela smiled at Dean.

"Yes, Kristina's parents were nice enough to get us four plane tickets, two for the Philippines and the other two for Italy," says Shela.

"On a plane? Oh hell no I hate flying," Dean responded immediately.

"Dean, come on they're being nice," Sam said, elbowing his brother for his words.

"What are you so scared of?" Shela asked "I've been on a plane before and nothing happened,"

"Planes crash and the last time I was on a plane it was being piloted by a demon," Dean said, paling a bit.

"That was just rotten luck," Shela responded "besides I want you to meet the rest of my family Dean, especially my tribe,"

"Your tribe?" Dean asked.

"Yeah her tribe in the Philippines who are best known for being warriors and headhunters," Kristina explained. Dean looked at Shela with a nervous expression on his face.

"Well I know not to piss your family off then," says Dean. Sam laughed at his brother and playfully tapped Dean's shoulder.

"You have fun man," Sam teased.

"Not helping Sammy," says Dean.

"So what do you say boys?" Says Kristina. Seeing that Dean had no other choice he groaned and rubbed his face then looked at Shela.

"I'm down," says Sam.

"Alright, fine but if that plane goes down and we land on an island I'm going to say I told you so," spoke Dean.

"Calm down Dean it won't be that bad," reassured Shela. "Our flights leave early tomorrow morning, so be ready," Later that night Dean couldn't sleep because he was too anxious about going on the plane tomorrow. Every so often he would toss and turn trying to fall asleep but couldn't and only managed to bother Shela.

"Dean?" She called out both very tired and annoyed.

"Yes dear," Dean responded, not aware that his movements were keeping her awake.

"Are you still tossing and turning?" Shela asked.

"Yes because I can't sleep," he answered. She groaned and got up to make him bedtime tea.

"You owe me for this," Shela responded as she groggily walked away. After a few minutes, Shela came back as Dean sat up in the bed and fixed his pillows. "Here," Spoke Shela as she handed Dean a cup of bedtime tea while Dean politely took it. "Drink this and go to sleep!"

"What's in it?" Questioned Dean.

"I did not poison it, it's supposed to help you relax," says Shela as she went back around to her side and climbed in. Dean stayed silent and looked over at Shela who had already fallen back to sleep. Shaking his head a chuckling quietly, Dean drank the tea and gagged briefly since it had tasted slightly nasty but already he felt himself relax and sat the cup down on the side table, he laid the pillow back down and pulled the blanket over his body, he moved closer to Shela and wrapped his arm around her stomach, falling asleep instantly

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