ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕥𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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The minute that Dean and Shela stepped off the plane, Dean's stomach dropped when he saw a sign that said Welcome Shela and Dean. There were two men with black hair, one woman with black hair and two kids, one who looked to be thirteen and the other a little boy who was about ten. The thirteen year old girl ran up to Shela and Dean as she gave her aunt a hug.

"Auntie Shela! I'm so glad you made it!" exclaims the girl.

"Hey sweetie," says Shela as she gives the girl a hug. They pulled away as the girl looked over at Dean.

"Are you Dean?" asked the little girl.

"Uh.. Yeah," Dean responded.

"Oh my gosh, are you going to marry my aunt?" questioned the girl, Shela's face paled as she knelt to her Niece's height.

"We'll see about that," says Shela as she winked at her niece, Shela stood up and gave her family a hug as Dean stood there slightly uncomfortable especially knowing that Shela had been part of a tribe. "Guys, this is my boyfriend, Dean Winchester," Shela turned toward Dean as she held out her hand. Dean walked over and grabbed hold of Shela's hand. "Dean, these are my relatives," Shela said as she started to introduce him to her relatives. Once the introductions were out of the way, Shela and Dean grabbed their luggage and walked out of the airport with Shela's family. Meanwhile in Rome Italy Sam and Kristina had been walking around trying to find a tour or a place to stay. The amount of people was a lot less than what the two were expecting but at the time they didn't think much about it because everyone here was so nice. Eventually the two came across the Hotel Colosseum, it was a bit pricey but it was worth it because the place was gorgeous. As they got settled in, Kristina started talking about the list of things she wanted to see while she was here.

"Okay so I want to see the temple of Diana, a few other temples dedicated to Roman Gods, I also want to see the ruins of Pompei and the Colosseum." Kristina said with a simple and Sam just listened to her as she spoke because he thought it was so sweet that she had all of this planned out when she hadn't even been here before.

"Looks like we've got a lot of sights to do tomorrow," he said to her once she finished. Shela and Dean had stepped out and saw that they were heading up a mountain on a red truck. Dean watched as one of Shela's uncles got into the driver seat while the rest climbed onto the back of the truck. Dean looked at Shela with an eyebrow raised.

"Where are we going?" Dean asked.

"We're going to the Luzon mountains, that's where my mom was born," says Shela.

"We're taking the truck?" Dean questioned.

"Yes, now stop complaining and get on the truck," Shela insisted as she made her way over and climbed on the back, Dean followed, the minute Dean got on the truck, Shela's uncle began to drive. While on the truck Dean had been holding onto it for dear life as if he was going to fall out. Blesie, one of Shela's cousins watched and laughed as Dean kept trying to stay where he was.

"I take it you aren't used to riding this way?" asked Blesie in a flipino accent.

"Well, I'm not exactly used to riding up a mountain this way," Dean spoke nervously, eventually, almost thirty minutes of riding, Dean began to get used to it until they finally arrived in Luzon. Dean looked around and saw a large rock mound with the rocks crossed over each other.

"Nice Rock formation," says Dean.

"Don't go near it," says Uncle Elvin who knew what was hidden within the mound.

"Uh why not?" asks Dean with curiousness.

"Because that's where the Duende dwell," he answers. "As well as in the dark corners of the house,"

"What the hell is a Duende?" questions Dean as Shela giggled knowing exactly what it was especially since her mother had told her stories about them.

"A Duende is an elf that is mischievous if you upset it in any way shape or form," says Shela. "So Dean, please if you see a mound DO NOT go near it," Back in Italy Kristina was out on her hotel's balcony just enjoying the view of the night sky when she noticed something off. A bunch of crops that were nearby were dead and shriveled up, along with a bunch of livestock that looked extremely sick. She wanted to wake up Sam so they could investigate but it was late and he hardly ever slept well so she decided to go take a look herself. As she walked down the hallway she was overcome with this sinking feeling in her stomach, she tried not to focus but the closer she got to the crops the worse she felt. Eventually she managed to make it to the dead crops and when she examined them it seemed that while the crops were indeed dead all other plants were completely intact.

"Strange," she said to herself and at the back of her mind she thought she had an idea for what caused it but she immediately shot it down because there was no way something like that could exist. Feeling exhausted from just being outside she decided to just go back to her room and forget about it. She didn't come here to hunt, it was a trip to see where she came from and being with Sam made it ten times more special. So she went back to her room and climbed back into her bed, luckily Sam was asleep so he hadn't noticed that she left. At least that's what she thought. Dean and Shela had eventually arrived at Luzon, Philippines as the truck stopped in front of a house that belonged to Shela's grandmother, her uncle parked the car and climbed out getting Dean and Shela's luggage. Shela wanted to get her and Dean's room ready so she picked up both luggage bags and turned toward her boyfriend.

"Dean, i'm going to take these bags to the room my family set up for us, go ahead and take a look around," Shela said. "And remember my warning,"

"Yes dear," says Dean, he had been a hunter most of his life and wasn't afraid of whatever lay ahead. Anne had grabbed Dean's hand and started to drag him away from the truck excited to show Dean around.

"Dean! Welcome to Grandma's house! Shela's mother used to live here and she'd have all sorts of fun!" Anne exclaimed.

"Anne, don't go far," Blesie called out as she followed the young girl and Dean to the river.

"Don't worry mom, I won't," Anne turned toward Dean as she started bringing him to the river. "Dean the river is so clear that you can see the bottom,"

"Really?" Dean questioned not believing that the river could be so clear. Rather than questioning it, Dean followed Anne to the river where he could see the bottom. He was amazed at the mere sight of it and walked over, Anne took her shoes off and splashed into the water. Blesie turned toward Dean with an apologetic expression.

"Sorry about that Dean, she's overly excited sometimes," Blesie said and turned to watch over her daughter. "Come on young lady, let's get back to the house,"

"Aw," says Anne who was slightly disappointed.

"Come on," says Blesie as she held out her hand and smiled at her daughter. "There will be time for swimming right now Dean might be a little tired from the flight,"

"Oh okay," says Anne as she walked with her mother back to the house. "Are you coming Dean?" Dean was about to follow when he noticed one of the mounds Shela warned him about. Upon curiosity, he walked over to it wondering if a duende actually lived in one of the mounds.

"Hello?" he said "Anyone there?" Dean questioned as he kicked the mound.

"Hey stop it!" exclaimed a voice as a small dwarf-like creature appeared from the mound. 

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