20. I love you

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3 months later

He loved her so much she could still feel his echoes throughout her days.

She had lived in the Malfoy Manor since the battle, Draco and his mother taking care of her. She had barely left Tom's room.

Although, Elizabeth couldn't bring herself together to read the note he had left for her.

A gentle knock on the door, "Come in," Elizabeth answered.

"Hey," Draco entered, closing the door behind him, "I brought you breakfast."

Even breakfast reminded her of Tom. Back to the day when she had come to him, and he had breakfast ready on a tray.

"I'm not hungry."

"You haven't eaten for a long time," he put the tray on Tom's desk, "You should-" then he noticed the note Tom had written on the desk. He grabbed it and walked to the bed to sit beside Elizabeth.

"Have you read it?"

"No," she paused, "I don't know how I can read it."

"May I?" he put his hand on her knees, "May I read it to you? It might be easier that way."

"Please," she begged.

Draco opened the note and started reading it out loud to her.

Dear Elizabeth,

Draco's facial expression changed when he recalled Tom was the one writing these words, he continued.

Even writing the sound of the words is weird, but I think it'll make you happy. If you have learned the location of this note, it means, well, I am dead.

I am so bad at writing. I think this might be my first time writing a letter.

Elizabeth chuckled, seeing her smile for the first time in months made Draco smile as well. He continued reading.

You are right now on my bed, I had to give you a pillow to make you think it was me while writing this letter.

You look so beautiful.

There are so many unsaid words between me and you, I wish we had that many days to say it over and over again.

But given the circumstances, I have to die.

I want you to know, I could have easily defeated Potter. But if Potter died, I would have died as well. We were connected, in some way. It was those damned Horcruxes' fault.

His death meant mine.

But my death was just mine.

I didn't want you to suffer two deaths, although I am guessing you might be a little sad over me being gone.

I'm sorry I am not there to make you mad at me.

If there was an escape out of this, I would choose you over and over again.

But there isn't.

I will love you forever, Elizabeth.

And I will be awarded just because you loved me back. A person as stunning, and kind as you... loved a person as cruel as me.

I am and will forever be the violet you are allergic to.

The End

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