12. feel your enemy

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As much as Elizabeth hated Tom, she didn't want him killed. 

It was the weekend and Elizabeth still haven't left her dorm. She was upset. Her insides were killing her. There was no second where she hadn't thought about Tom.

"Then you didn't love me anymore. And I still love you."

The confusion wasn't some marker of stupidity. Confusion is when fear scatters the higher thoughts to promote the chance of a subconscious solution finding its way through. 

 If the brain believes one has time to think in safety, it will begin to think, to focus.

But she didn't feel safe.

And her closest friends weren't there to support her. Instead, they were out there plotting Tom's death. 

Hermione's bed looked empty. She had the energy to check Ron's and Harry's dorm. It was also empty.

She missed them.

In these mournful days the sun won't rise, birdsong passes like it was once unable to glide through the air.

But the truth is Elizabeth would rather sacrifice comfort than fighting a war. So instead, she let this heartache be as her teacher and the reason to keep seeking one who can hear the playful calling of their own soul.

The weekend passed, full of thinking. The next day, after her school was done, she went to the manor. So did every other death eater. To practice.

When she entered, everyone was already there. In a room of so many people, her eyes tried to find Tom. 

"Elizabeth," a familiar voice touched her shoulder. She turned around and saw Draco, "How are you?" 

"Good," she lied, "You?"

"Good," he lied as well. Elizabeth started to walk away but he held her back, "Are you going to train alone with Tom?"

"Yes," she answered, without hesitating, "He thinks I need more professional training since I'm a Gryffindor." 

"I can also help you."

"I don't think he'll let that," Elizabeth weakly smiled, "Plus I have so many questions for him."

"Like?" Draco encouraged her to go on.

"It doesn't really have you in it. Oh and-" Elizabeth changed the topic, "You were trying to tell me something the other day. What was it?" 

Draco seemed nervous to speak. He opened his mouth to speak but Tom stopped him.

"Hello hello hello my lovely friends," he sneered.

"What's with your mood today?" Elizabeth asked him.

"Nothing," he lied, ignoring the fact that he was delighted to have time alone with Elizabeth again. "You can go to my room, I'll give directions to the people here. Then I'll come to meet you." 

Elizabeth looked back at Draco for the last time and went to his room. 

 The Gryffindor girl grew unusually curious when she entered his room. She started looking around. Trying to find anything that could answer one of her questions.

She came across a paper. It read, "Wool's Orphanage, Tom Riddle."

"What are you doing?!" Tom grabbed the paper back harshly, "Didn't your mom ever teach you to not snoop around people's room?"

"I'm sorry."

"You better be," Tom put the paper back where it belonged.

"Not for snooping around, for your parents." 

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