11. dark magic

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Elizabeth and Hermione were returning from Hogsmeade. They had a great time together. Getting to catch up on everything they missed out on.

The Gryffindor girl was far shocked at how Weasley's and Granger's relationship grew.

Once they were back into their own common room, their laughs faded away. Not trying awoke anyone.

After Elizabeth forgot about her laughter, she remembered Draco.

She tried to push him away from her brain. Meanwhile, Ron came downstairs.

"Finally," he seemed worried about the two girls, "I was beginning to think you both got bloody kidnapped!"

Hermione giggled.

Ron grabbed her hand, Hermione waved at Elizabeth, and the two lovers rushed upstairs. Leaving Elizabeth alone in the common room. She sat in front of the fireplace and started thinking.

Then, uncontrollably, a part of her brain remembered what Tom told her.

"Why would you be scared of me?"

"I kept waiting for you but you never come back to me."

"It means that there is so much to the story that you don't know."

She got more comfortable on the couch and tried to dive deep into her brain. What did he mean? She kept asking herself questions she couldn't answer.

Soon, she felt a presence sitting next to her.

When she turned around, she noticed Harry Potter. Like Elizabeth, he also stared at the fireplace.


"Hi," Elizabeth greeted him.


"Harry," Elizabeth started getting nervous about the questions she planned to ask him, "If you don't mind, I have questions."

"What are they?" Potter also got anxious about what she might ask.

"Well," she felt her muscles getting stiff, "Hermione told me about how you are planning to-to kill...Tom."

Harry's face grew way more serious. As if he was expecting information from Elizabeth. "Go on," he encouraged her.

"I was just wondering how you guys are going to do it?" she tried not to seem suspicious.

"It's not going to be too easy," Harry started telling her everything he knew, "We need to find 7 Horcruxes."

"7 what?"


"What is that?"

"Tom split his soul into 7, and well we already destroyed 2 of his..."

The rest of Harry's sentence was not heard from Elizabeth. Everything went quiet around her, including her own heartbeat.

She knew it was dark magic.

She had no idea why, but she got worried about Tom. The girl kept questioning why she felt for the Slytherin boy, but she couldn't answer it.

"Elizabeth-" Harry noticed her zoning out, "Do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Do you have any idea what the next Horcrux maybe?" Potter asked, hoping to get an answer.

"No-no, I don't, Harry. I'm sorry."

"It's ok," he painfully smiled.

"I have to go," Elizabeth stood up, "I'll talk to you more later. See you!"

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