I run down the stairs as I struggle to put my necklace on. I roll my eyes as the clasp moves vertically once again.

"God tests me every fucking day-"

"Do you require any help, Sir/my lady?"

I spin around quickly to come face to face with Ash. I release a soft sigh.

"If you don't mind. Will you put this on me?" I ask as I lift the necklace to him.

"Of course, My Lady/Sir." He smiles softly as he takes the necklace from my hand. I turn around and move my hair so it doesn't get in his way.

"Done," he mutters as I feel his fingers trace over my neck, specifically where my birthmark lay, two red dots. I furrow my brows before stepping forward and spinning around, a small frown on my face.

"Thanks. Do you know if Jake and Dylan have left?" I fix my blazer and the position of my bag as the Angel replies.

"They have, Miss/Sir." He nods. I roll my eyes.

"Typical. Twats."

Knock, knock, knock

My head turns to look at the door. "I wonder who this is?.." I mutter before unlocking and opening it. I'm met by (Bf/n).

"Hi? I thought you would've been in school by no- Ack!" She doesn't give me time to finish my sentence before literally pulling me out of the house by my arm and slamming my front door shut.

"What do you mean, 'the black butler characters are in your house'?!" She hisses quietly, referring to the text message I sent her last night. I raise my brow.

"I mean that they're in my house?"

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, how? When?"

"They appeared yesterday, I don't know how. Also, take this turn. I don't want to go to school, we'll sit at the spot all day." I answer as we turn left.

Honestly, the spot isn't all that great, just a big rock with a few trees, a dirty lake and an out of place bridge, but it holds some great memories. Like when me and (Bf/n) smoked weed there once, and she hit white. Or the time we found a crowbar, adopted it, and named Chanel. We threw it into the lake a few months ago.

'Thinking about that now, that was most likely a murder weapon that we put our DNA on and then disposed of.'

"That's so weird...I wonder how they ended up here." (Bf/n) frowns.

"Yeah, me too. I'm going to ask them later."

She turns to me and pulls a face, "you didn't ask them? Are you fucking stupid?"

I roll my eyes. "Apparently."


Jakes PoV

"I still feel that we should've waited for (Y/n)." Dylan frowns. I raise my brow.

"No, there's a reason we didn't wait for them. We need to talk about their awakening." I tell him as I sit down under a tree. We decided last minute to skip, and I can bet any money that our younger sibling had, too. Thankfully it's winter, so the sun isn't killing off my eyes.

"Why has it taken them years to have their awakening? It's so weird." Dylan asks as he climbs the tree I'm sitting under. I roll my eyes as I change places to be facing him.

"I'm not sure..." I frown, my brows knitting together.

"Wait...you don't think-"

"Dylan, this isn't Harry Potter. There is no way they aren't, especially with no human genes in the mix. I'm just thinking that it's going to be ten times worse for them. And longer. " I look up at him, squinting slightly.

Black Butler, In The Modern Era (Black butler x Modern! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now