Chapter 7

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I close the door finally.

" Tell me everything that happened" Coco says with a bowl of popcorn in her hand



" OMG MY BABY HAS HAD HER FIRST KISS" Pipers mom say walking in the room

" Omg mom he's soooo nice"

" And he's a handsome guy.. but not my type of course" Coco says

" Coco can you ask your mom to make Piper and I some of those delicious chocolate chip cookies?"

" Of course I can. Yall need to celebrate. Oh I gotta go Gavin is calling me."

" Ok Coco. Call me later K?"

"Will do" Coco said walking out the door

I went to my room and layed on my bed just staring at the ceiling. I HAD MY FIRST KISS WITH LEV FREAKING CAMERON!!!! I finally got up and took a shower. Once I got done showering I was drying my hair when Lev facetimed me.

Facetime call with Lev

Hi Piper...

Hey Lev....

So... I just wanted to know if we could hang out like tomorrow.... We totally don't have to-

Yeah let's hang out

oh uh o-ok cool.

Piper took a screen shot

Piper took a screen shot

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ew I look so bad

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ew I look so bad

No you don't. You look cute

Thanks Piper

Don't thank me, thank your mom for bring you in to this world

Ahhh your making me blush

Lol anyways what time do you want to hang out tomorrow?

Um idk maybe 9:00am?

Perfect. I gotta go but I can't wait to see you

Me too. Bye


End of call

He's so nice. I finish drying my hair and get ready for bed. Once I'm done getting ready I watched " To All The Boys I've Loved Before". Once I finished the movie I went to bed. I started hearing things hitting my window. I went over to my window to see Coco crying. I opened my window so she could climb in.

" Omg Coco whats wrong?"

" I feel so bad for Gavin"

" What happened?"

"I keep on having dreams about when I found Gavin laying in the middle of the park. I was so scared that he was super hurt or even possibly-"

" Coco calm down breath. He is ok and way safer now that he is living with you."
" Your right. I'm sorry for waking you up."

" It's ok. Here let me make you some tea to help you calm down."

I walk out the room to find my mom and dad kissing very intensely. I swear I nearly almost threw up in my mouth when I saw that. I just turned around and went back to my room.

" You know what forget the tea"

" Uh ok. I should go back to make sure Gavin is o-"

" COCO WHERE ARE YOU" We hear Gavin yelling

" Hey Piper have you seen- OMG COCO YOUR OK" Gavin says

" Yeah I just needed to talk to Piper. I'm sorry if I scared you Gav"

" It's ok. We are leaving for Disneyland on Tuesday"

" Wait I thought you guys were leaving on Friday"

" Yeah her parents changed their minds"

" Oh. Well you guys should get back home. See yall at school?"

"Yeah. Come on Coco let's go"

" Bye Piper"

" Bye Coco"

Once they left I fell back to sleep. I couldn't stop dreaming of Lev and I. What if he asks me to be his girlfriend??? I hope that day comes soon...

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