Chapter 12

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Piper's POV

It's been 4 hours. The doctor said that Coco just got out of surgery. I really want to go check on her but she needs rest. I'm so worried. My eyes are swollen from crying so much.

"Mom?" I say in a whispery tone

" Yes Piper" she said half asleep

" Go home. I'll get a taxi to drive you home."

"N-No pipes. What about you?"

" I want to be here Mom. You need some rest. You've been working all day."

"O-ok um yeah I'll go" She said getting up to hug me

She was gone within the next 10 minutes. I got about an hour of sleep. When I woke up I thought of something so strange. I want some peanuts. I was walking to go to the vending machine, when some one grabbed my shoulder.


" Piper it's me Coco" Coco says

"Oh. Why aren't you in your hospital room?" I say looking her up and down

" I need to make sure Gavin's ok. Do you know where his room is?"

I lie " Yeah I do. But are you ok Coco? You got shot in your chest and your walking around like it's nothing."

" I'm fine. Plus Gavin has gone through way more than me. I just want to talk to him."

" OK fine I'll show you his room"

I grabbed a wheelchair for Coco. I have no idea where his room is. I'm just gonna guess what room. Ooo room 326. It looks cool. I opened the door for her and pushed her in the room. please be his room. Once I saw Gavin I was relieved.

" Omg Coco are you ok?" Gavin said looking worried

" Yeah Gavin. Are you?"

" Yeah I am. Um Piper can you leave the room for a second?" Gavin said looking a bit nervous.

" Oh uh yeah I'll just wait outside" I said starting to walk out. somethings about to go down

I went outside of the door and closed I checked my messages



PIPER: Stop texting me!! I hate you, I hate your friends, but I'm still cool with your brother


PIPER: That's what you said when I kissed you.. and then you made me seem like some type of toy you can just throw away when your done with it

LEV: Pls Pipes I-

PIPER: Don't call me that. You lost that right

LEV: piper wa-

You have blocked Lev😍💖✨

I quickly turn off my phone and turn around to check on Coco and Gavin. I open it a crack and see this...

 I open it a crack and see this

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My mouth dropped open. I quickly open the door more and they stop kissing

" YESSSS YESSS I KNEW IT ALL ALONG" I said doing my little happy dance

" I'm gonna go get some peanuts." I say proudly

"Uh ok? I think I'll just stay here with Gavin" Coco says smiling at him

I left to go get some peanuts. 2 dollors for a bag? I would rather eat a whole ant hill. I ended up buying the peanuts. I stood there thinking about how happy I was for Coco and Gavin. Well My thought ended shortly when I heard a familiar voice.

" Piper" The voice said

I turned around

" L-Lev? Why are you here"

" I-I don't know. Why are you here?"

" Well my bestfriend and her crush almost died. Anyways I gotta go-" I say about to walk away when he grabbed my arm

" Piper please listen to me" He said. We stood there not talking for like 30 seconds

" Why? Why did you make me feel some type of way I've never felt before? Why did you say you liked me when you didn't? Why was I so stupid to think I may have a chance with a 9th grader?" I say crying. He pulled me into a hug. I know I shouldn't feel this way but... I kinda feel safe in his arms

" Piper... I've liked you ever since we went on our first date." He says still hugging me

" I-I need some time to think. I don't know if I can believe what your saying to me right now. I don't know if I can ever trust you again... I just need time" I say in a lighter cry

" o-ok um yeah. I guess I'll just... see you around?" He said his voice kinda shaky

" Yeah I guess. Goodbye Lev" I say walking away from him. I run to the closest bathroom and locked myself in a stall and just stared crying. I cried till my eyes felt dry. I went to the waiting room and fell asleep on a chair. Coco's lucky... She got herself a nice guy. I should have listened to her when she said he was a player

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