Chapter 5

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(Piper's POV)

It's been a few days since Lev and I hung out. He's so easy to talk to. Well anyways it's Friday and I'm freaking out. As soon as school ended Coco and I didn't even bother to take the bus to my house and just ran. Once I got home I ran upstairs with Coco. She started doing my makeup and told me everything that happened.

" I'm sorry I didn't accept your offer to go to Disneyland. I was just having so much fun with Lev yesterday that I let it take over." I say truly sorry

" It's ok. Gavin said he'd go with me."

"Oh. I feel so bad for him. I need to make him some cookies or something."

" I think that he's feeling better tho. I can't believe I'm saying this but.... I actually want him to come live with me. I know my house isn't that big, but I can share a room with him." Coco says sounding a little worried for him

" I think he'd love that Coco. Yall actually are a very cute cou-"

"We are not a couple... I wish tho" She says giggling

" How long will you be gone?"

" Bout a week. Don't worry Piper I'll call you every single day. Plus I'll bring back some souvenirs." Coco says

" Ok. Just please make sure to have lots of fun. I don't want you to feel like you can't have a good time cause I'm holding you back"

" Ok Pipes. I gotta go my mom she made spaghetti."




(Lev's POV)

I was about to take a shot of alcohol until Aiden called me

Lev and Aiden's phone call

Aiden: Yo whats good bro?

Lev: HeY bUddY

Aiden: Uh you good?

Lev: i'M fINe bruh.

Aiden: You sure?

Lev: YeAH bEtter thaN I'vE evEr BeEn.

Aiden: Oh uh... OK well let me tell you about this hot cheerleader I met yesterday. When I mean that she was hot I mean she was fire...

After that I couldn't hear anything he said. I'm so drunk I can't understand him. Cool I should do that more often. I wonder if I could get to the point that I will forget who people are.... That's so cOol

" Hey Lev do you know why alcohol is missing from the cabinet?" My mom says

" No I think dad my have drunk it"

" Ok thanks for you help sweetie"

" nO pRoBLEm"

Oh crap I forgot have a date with Piper. I quickly get on a button up shirt and some black jeans. Oh no I'm 10 mins late already. I hurry out the door not even thinking that I'm still drunk

Ok I first can I say THANK YOU FOR 1K ON STAR. It makes me so happy that people actually liked the book. If you haven't read STAR then I suggest that you do cause this book is a sequel to it. Do you think Piper will find out about Lev's game he's tryna play with her and his drinking problem? Let me know in the comments.

Love, Hampton Girls💖

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