17} Bribes Are Always Accepted

Start from the beginning

“If you don’t want to go, you can just say so.” Lou says lowly in my ear.

I shrug trying to play off my anxiety. “It’s fine.”

“They may not notice your ticks but I do.” He whispers, rubbing the tip of his nose against my cheek. “I know you’re not looking forward to this. Why don’t you just tell her you don’t want to go?”

“I…I do.” I lie with a shiver. “I’m supposed to go to parties, do stupid things and experience life aren’t I?”

“Not if it makes you this uncomfortable.”

“I’m fine. Just a bit nervous about the crowds, you know?”

“You’re lying but I’m not going to push you either way.” He tells me before kissing my cheek. “But just know, until Sutton and her goons come in and drag you away you’ll be stuck with me today.”

I smile liking the sound of that. “They couldn’t come soon enough then.”

His mouth turns up into grin as he shakes his head at me, “Still my smart mouthed girl huh?”

I bite my lower lip as my stomach erupts with butterflies. My girl, I think giddily. I jerk back when something white hits me in the face. I turn towards Sutton to see her mouth on the edge of a straw and mischief in her eyes. When I spot another straw wrapper caught in my hair I give her an unimpressed look.

Shrugging she smirks at me, “What? You guys were making me gag.”

I scoff. Figures.

Now walking back to the apartment I can’t wipe the smile from my face as Lou holds my hand. Sutton and Calvin are being their normal ridiculous selves with Sutton riding piggyback on Calvin while Calvin jumps around making her scream. Everyone we pass is giving them weird looks but I think it works for them, acting like kids. Of course when Sutton flips off a staring middle aged man Calvin has to literally start running.

“Come on, baby, we better hurry it up.” Lou murmurs before dipping down and sweeping me off my feet. I let out a surprised shriek as he tosses me over his shoulder. Lifting my head I see the guy shaking his head at us or maybe that’s just me doing the shaking.

“Put me down you big oaf!” I yell but it’s ruined by my laughter. Smacking his butt I feel him slow down his walk for a second before suddenly I feel a stinging on my leg butt cheek. Ow! “What the hell!”

“Eye for an eye.”

“More like butt for a butt.” I grumble deciding to just go limp on his shoulder.

Lou Chuckles as we enter into his apartment building. I can hear Sutton’s laughter going up the stairs but Lou doesn’t take us after them. Instead he heads for the nearby elevator, still carrying me on his shoulder. Once the door dings open he carries me inside before slowly letting me back down to my feet.

Rubbing my stomach I’m too caught up in the bruised feeling to even notice he’s approaching me until his hands cup my face. Forcing me to look up at him I stare into his dark green eyes noticing an emotion I can’t decipher in them. Leaning forward my eyes close automatically as I feel nearly phantom touch of his lips against mine.

“Emerson.” He murmurs.

Slowly cracking open my eyes I meet his. “Y-Yeah.”

“You mean a lot to me, you know that right?”

I feel my heart rate pick up but I shake my head.

His lip quirks up at the end, “Well you do. You mean a lot to me.”

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