"You will need to find yourself a suitor before your coronation, and if you don't... let's just say things may not go great for you.."

He shuts my door as I turn around grabbing a pillow and screaming into it with all my might.

Truly, I haven't been to Hogwarts in a while it would be very different for me many princes and princesses from other kingdoms would be attending the place too, but most common folks.

Me being alone wasn't good enough for my family my parents wanted me to find a man.

A wealthy man.

A man with a good reputation.

A man who would be a good suitor for the kingdom.

Most importantly a powerful man.

There are many men from other kingdoms that would most likely be Beaubaxton.

Even though my parents knew about this, they couldn't give two shits about it. They wanted me to rule the kingdom with a man by my side.

But the thing is not one person from any kingdom knows who I am.

So how was I supposed to find a suitor if no one was familiar with my name as part of the Bardot family?

I have completely washed off these thoughts as I laid in bed closing my eyes gazing into a deep slumber.


"what are you doing?!" I heard a faint voice yell as I could barely open my eyes.

It happened to be the voice of my careless mother.

She hit me with the pillow forcing open my eyes from what she has been doing.

" Why are you laying in bed when you have to attend school?" She states as I get up from my bed heading to my dresser.

"I had made the housekeeper get your clothes ready" she mentions to me.

Her not using Mary's actual name pushes me over the edge, he treats her like she's nothing which makes me despise my mom even more.

"You should call her by her actual name mother" I respond to her. She looks at me with a clenched jaw and a raised eyebrow.

"I will not have you talk back to me you are acting like a little B-" I cut off. "Brat? Bitch? What were you about to say, mum?"

I scoff as I turn around heading to the bathroom.

She grabs my wrist tightly which makes me wince. I didn't fight back she was my mother I had to respect her and her wishes right?

She turned me around slapping me in the face making me hold it in pain.

"You will never speak to me like that again is that clear!" She shouts. She and my father are the same.

They have strange minds, both of them.

"I'm sorry mother it won't happen again?" I utter making the room silent only hearing her heavy breathing.

Ardenia | Draco Malfoy 18+Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon