"Still the same. She's unconscious still. They have her on IV but everything's still the same."
"And Spencer?" I didn't say anything. 

"Aaron..." She groaned. "This isn't his fault. This isn't your fault. This is just one of these things that happen. This is just a bi-product of the job, you know this." She told me.
"How is it that whenever Melanie ends up in danger or injured, he's there, Beth?"
"Because she's probably injured herself protecting him, you know what she's like Aaron!" She exclaimed frustratedly. 

"Surely you pick up on how they feel about each other?"
"If that's the case then why isn't he the one in the hospital bed?" There was a silent pause.
"I'm sure Spencer's asking himself the same thing..." Neither of us spoke for a moment. 

"How's Jack holding up?"
"I think he's confused..." I mumbled, rubbing the back of my head. "He's sad but Penelope's with him." Beth chuckled.

"If anybody can keep him happy, Penelope can." She agreed. "What about Emily?" An SUV pulled into one of the spaces at the front of the hospital and I recognised Alex from the driver's seat.
"She's out of surgery so Dave and JJ are with her right now."
"Does she know what's happened?"

"She was there when we got Mel and Spencer out of the water so yes, she should do." I sighed.
"Okay, well, stay tight honey okay? I'm on my way right now. I'll call you when I land in twenty minutes and I'll head straight to the hospital."
"I can't wait to see you."

"I know honey, me too. See you soon."
"I love you."
"Love you more." She disconnected and I slid my cell into my pocket.

The Doctor

Jack, Morgan and Garcia returned to the waiting room after I sat back down by Melanie's side and moments later Hotch returned.

He said nothing for a long while.

I assumed this was how it was going to be, and I was fine with that. I didn't want to argue over Melanie's unconscious body.

"Spencer. I've spoken with Beth, and JJ and Emily and Dave. They're all right. What happened with Melanie isn't your fault and I have no right to be blaming this on you. I apologise."

I looked up from Melanie's ghost hand in mine to Hotch's worried expression looking down at his daughter.

"Hotch she's your daughter. You can blame whoever you want," I said softly. "But I blame myself too if that helps. I wish it were me lying there. She doesn't deserve this. She's been through enough." My voice cracked and I looked back down at her hand, my tears falling onto the paper sheets by our hands.

"So have you, Spencer. And if it wasn't for you, my daughter wouldn't be laid in this bed. She'd be on a slab in a mortuary," Hotch's voice cracked. "I couldn't have been as persistent as you were. You saved her life. And for that, I will be forever grateful." I didn't quite know how to reply to that.

Save her life? She was unconscious on the bed in front of us? How had I saved her?


"Beth should have arrived by now. I have to check if she's okay. I won't be long." Hotch announced about an hour later. I nodded my head and managed the smallest of smiles as he left.

I cleared my throat and turned my face skyward, pleading for strength.

Suddenly a small voice cleared their throat in the doorway and I turned to see a sheepish Penelope giving a small wave.

"Just came to see how you're doing love. D'you need anything?"


That's what Melanie called me so many times.

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