Chapter 4- Shopping

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pov narrator

It was only 4 days until Zig's human arrived, and he booked that day to do the shopping and do some initial care research, and for that, he called Tora and His human to go shopping for the new supplies for his  little animal

Zig wakes up and runs to fix his things, as well as replenish his card with the necessary amount of money (the currency in this world no longer exists in the form of banknotes)

He takes a nice shower and takes a social outfit waiting for his guests who don't take long to arrive

The bell rings, and zig runs to meet his friend and his human

-Tora!  Hello! - zig speaks excitedly, tora was holding little Laila in her arms, who was looking at something outside her owner's back, she seemed so distracted that she didn't even notice Zig's presence, or if she did, she had totally ignored it

-Hey zig!  Let's go shopping! -Tora notes that Laila doesn't take her attention off the horizon, he gives a weak touch on his back

He turns and looks at him- looks at Laila, Zig, do "hi" - he looks at Laila and waves at Zig, watching closely, the little human reacts, he takes his hand and shakes in an attempt to imitate Tora's gesture.

Zig is delighted with the little human's action, he does a cafune on her head, the girl just closes her eyes

-she really likes to pat her head - adds Tora, then Laila asks to go down, leaning down a little and runs into Zig's house

-l can wait for her to find my human inside ...

Tora calls laila and they both go to Tora's car, in this world the cars go much faster than normal, this is because they use the magnetism of the ground, not wheels, and they are also designed so that passengers do not feel the  pressure difference, making travel fast and comfortable

-I have two stores in mind, the first is the biggest pet shop here, it will offer most of the supplies, and the other is a store specializing in training, I always thought this was really cool because you could see the many humans training inside  , you can see all the behaviors they have - everyone talks, zig waves and they keep traveling

Arriving at the pet shop, they park the car, and a leash and tied to Laila's chest
-I recommend buying this collar here, there are many people who buy the neck collar but it can hurt the human, and if it is stuck somewhere it can even suffocate it -tora speaks while tying lightly on the breastplate of the little human

They enter the big store, it looked like a huge warehouse, and they notice when Laila gets closer to him, with a probable fear of getting lost and of the giant aliens passing by.
-it's very news that your human is scared when he goes out and very big places, they are fearful many times and small too - zig was writing everything down in a pad while he was watching around

-we buy food and utensils first, what do you think? -zig agrees with log and they go to the food part,

The two aliens buy citrus fruits, porridge with various flavors to find out which one he liked best and finally some sweet treats
-these sweets will be essential for you to train, after a successful command, just give the candy as a reward- Tora spoke while holding her human who was already getting tired in her arms

A small "aww" is released from zig when Laila lays her head on Tora's shoulder, making her eyes more relaxed - she still tenses in the crowds away from me even after 3 years

The afternoon continues well, they do not buy and bed because they decided that zig would bring their future pet pet to choose

When they were at the end, they arrived at the transport box
-it's not mandatory to have one, but sew your pet is aloof I recommend you come and buy

-okay, let's go to the cashier then?

Yes- they leave the box to come buy it later and go to pick up the purchases that were already automatically going to the cashier

Zig gets there, scans his card and buys the objects, some bigger ones go straight to his house and others smaller ones stay in the log car trunk

Laila had already slept in her owner's arms, but was already waking up as soon as the shopping is over, she goes down to the ground and the three go to their next destination

The house was full of humans, many were being fed, others were asleep
-here is a training center and also a nursery for those who have nowhere to leave their humans for some time

Zig continues watching, inside a pen, several humans playing with each other-there are many humans here!  I had never seen so many

-this space recently arrived in the city, it is becoming more and more popular

Laila spoke to some humans in a language they did not understand, she embraces some
-Is it normal for your human to have contact with others?

-Of course!  It is part of the nature of humans to make this physical contact, and I have a tip to give you.  As soon as your human becomes more accustomed to your presence, touch him a lot, open him up and feel affection for various things, it will seem that it will not work, but this physical contact makes your human's brain unconsciously cling to yours.  touch, and it ends up depending more on you

-wow, I didn't really know that

They look more for the establishment, there was a part where humans played with toys, others even did some tricks

Laila is released into free space, she communicates with others and plays a little
It was already night when zig was at home, he says goodbye to log and laila and runs out to fix and prepare things for the arrival of his little one

He puts toys in a basket in the backyard, and puts the other utensils in a room reserved for him

-so four days to go- zig sighs and goes to sleep, thinking about the future

Thank you for reading my story so far!  If you want, please comment what you think!  I wish you all the best and until the next chapter🤗

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