Stella & The Commercial

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" I ask, turning my attention back to my screen.

"Hey Stella, you got any plans for lunch?" He asks.

I sigh tiredly, looking over at the desperate guy. "I've engaged Gregg. I'm not interested in going out with you."

"It's just for lunch break, nothing more." He assured me.

Another knock on the glass door caught my attention, interrupting our conversation. One of the secretaries from the lower level entered with a Panera bag in her hand. "This was delivered a moment ago for you." She says as she places the bag on my desk.

"From who?" I ask.

She hands me a notecard that reads:

I wasn't sure what to get you since you're still sick. You liked soup yesterday so here's soup.
Eat it, please.
     ~ Prettyboy

A small smile forms on my lips as I open the bag. I pull out a small takeout chicken noodle soup from Panera, with crackers and a water bottle. I look deeper inside and there was even a chocolate chip cookie.

My smile turns into a pout as I look down at the kind gesture. "He got me soup." I say quietly as my eyes begin to well up with tears. I look up at the two employees still in my office.

The next effect of my period, being overemotional.

"Um, thank you Scarlett. You can go now." I tell her as I quickly wipe my tears. I turn to Greg. "And for the last time, no I'm not interested. Please let me be." I tell him politely.

He sighs before leaving the office, allowing me to let my tears fall. My phone beeps from its spot on my desk and I pick it up.

J: hope you're eating.

I chuckle lightly before wiping my eyes again and opening the pack of crackers to take a picture. I sent it to him and he responds immediately.

J: beautiful, see you at home

I grin at the message, before sitting up and placing my phone back on my desk. Something about him referring to it as home for the both of us made me feel fuzzy inside.


Why was I acting this way? It was just soup! None of this is real.

I'll blame my period for this.

Once again another knock on the door captures my attention as Sheila enters the office. "Hey wanna grab lunch?" She asks as she walks in, before noticing the food on my desk. "Oh, I see you've already done so."

I shake my head, "Julius sent this over a couple of minutes ago."

She looks at the food on the table with a confused expression. "But it's almost June, why soup?" She asks.

I hand her the card to read and she nods in understanding. "That's so cute!" She gushes. "He's really taking this fake fiancé thing to the next level."

I nod as I open the soup, "Yeah I guess he is."

"Are you starting to like him yet?" She asks curiously. I look up at her with my brows furrowed in confusion, "I'm tolerating him, yes."

She chuckles, "Right. I'm going to get something to eat, I'll be back." I wave her out as she leaves my office.


"Julius!" I call out when I get back to the apartment. I shrug as I get no response and kick off my shoes. I pick them up and grab them before heading to my bedroom to get changed.

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