Ch - 8: Master

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Note: Who can be Crane and Fox's master? Bird ?No, Fox? No, Human? Are you kidding me?
God? "........" No....


On a cliff  which stood proudly above a deathly depth of creepy night, a large Banyan tree had build its home. Its branches extending towards the sky, piercing the blue with its dark shady ink. Its roots digging deep reaching out to the eerie darkness below... The tree of life... The leaves fluttered with winds, birds flew and played and build their nests chirping. The tree glowed in a yellowish light as if thousands of tiny lanterns had lit it up... A silhouette stood straight below the tree, on leg supported by the knee of the other. Hands raised above to meet.

His hair cascading down to his feet, like fall of snow

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His hair cascading down to his feet, like fall of snow. Eyes closed, lashes casting shadows on his cheeks. His dark amber skin glowed like shimmer of gold. Lips moving in some enchantment. His head covered in a tiara of blooming flowers whose vines curled around few strands of his hair. He stood barefoot on rocks between roots of banyan absorbing the first rays of the Sun.

A dull buzz resounded around the whole world, the man's pointed ears moved towards the approaching blurry green. He unclasped his hands before putting down his leg. Turning towards the figure now sitting there on the ground he smiled.

"So you found him. Come here good boy..", he extended his hands to pet a black fox. The fox bowed down and transformed back to his half humanoid form, his hands had those ashes.
"What is this?", the master said as took the stash containing black and white ashes.
"Cransford was taking care of this creature it seems. But it burst aflame in front of him. And he was too broken to react. I watched for 3 days... He is outside the barrier...... Master don't tell him I went spying on him for these days." He looked down wards. His eyes hiding emotions he couldn't say.
"Master knows.. let's bring him inside?"

Note : this has been written in half asleep state, forgive if there are mistakes... I'll edit it later. Hope you enjoy!

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