Ch-4: Dawn of Summer

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Note: How do writer chose chapter names... They write delete write delete write delete...and cry then write delete... QAQ

If eyes could speak
I'd only ever hear it's voice...


The boy felt the gaze of the creature, it's eyes shining like black gold. One might fall into their depths if stared for too long. He quickly removed his hands and kneeled at some distance. Waiting for it to speak. Can it speak? He looked at it again. In the past few months he had thought many ways he would interact with it once it awakes. What happened to it? What it is? Why it was lying here so alone? A-and why his body was full of blood and scars?
But now he only stared at that face. He had never seen a creature like this in his hundreds of year life neither heard about it from his master. So he really was too curious.

The creature had a huge body, covered completely with white long fur with occasional black marks covering it. It looked cursed at first glance but if someone looked more closely connecting those patches it may presume a pattern. The white fur was filled with black patches and the black part was filled with white patches. The boy had seen an ancient murial where such concept was depicted but he never put much thoughts into it. The hands or more like the paws of the creature were very big and rested on its side. It's torso was also covered with numerous patches. It may have been a bear with weird colours. Wasn't there some white bears in these parts of the land? But this one seemed strange.

The bear like creature pushed it's hand on the ground to sit up. The boy rushed to help but the creature indicated with his hands that it was okay. When it sat up it stretched it's paws towards the boy in a gesture to make him come close. The boy was slightly hesitant but he still tilted forward to let the paws touch his head.

And then he heard screams! He looked up eyes moving everywhere to see where the voice came from but didn't catch anything! Then he looked up at the creature... The voice was coming from his head! The creature was showing him something???

He sat up more comfortably and and closed his eyes to "see" what the creature was showing him.

A tiny flickering light, a strange but soothing jingling sound. Someone reached out to touch it... And the light was absorbed into the body! It was a white bear but as soon as light went into it, its body started turning black. It was like it was burning! Greenish yellow hues covered the skin while blood curdling screams came out of the bear. It struggled and struggled and struggled... A few hours later he opened his eyes and they were black now from earlier gold... It stood up and like being possessed started moving. Months passed as the bear lived like an intelligent being, building hut, raising plant spirits. Nobody would believe that it was a bear and not human. But with the changing season, winter arrived. The black fur started growing again trying to take over the old body of the bear and the screams this time were able to clear out hundreds of miles of living beings. Snow covered the land, the bear struggled a lot, scratching its own body, choking itself,  banging against walls in a hope to die... But it was unable to.... At last he decided to just lay there unable to move from pain it waited for death... But then a whistle blow sounded from very far away... Winds started to blow and warm currents came rushing from south... The bear smiled buried under the snow, it seemed to know it won't be alone now!

Tears filled the boy's eyes and flowed on his rosy cheeks. Two trails seem to race each other to see which one reaches the end faster. When he felt an intense heat coming from his surrounding he opened his eyes, only to see the creature burning! He was so shocked that his muscles denied to move, so he sat there watching the creature burn. He watched the creature for whom he lived in this wretched land for half a year trying to bring it to life, only to watch him die in front of him. Why did it lived so far only to die now? Why it told it's story if it had to die? Why?

As the golden ashes fly downwards where the boy was kneeling, the sun also seemed to have a sad time. It didn't taint the the sky in pink blush as usual. The dusk became gray and everything lost colour. The boy sat there for a long time. Staring at the ashes that went cold now...

Note: I don't know why it's happening, the writer is as confused as you... Let's see what the future holds for the boy...

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