Ch - 7

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"What happened to Master? Tell me!!"
The boy yelled as he backed away a few steps away from the fox.
"Come home with me and see for yourself, won't you?", The fox walked forward not letting the boy increase the gap between them. The boy was shaking and tears trailed away running on the fields of his cheeks and jumped off to fall into the grass. A beautiful hand stopped them midway.

The fox put his fingers carrying those tears on his lips and smiled. The boy's pupils shrunk in fear and he collapsed on the ground. His head dizzy. The fox also followed and sat beside him extended a hand waiting. But the boy avoided his hands and him altogether.

Suddenly the fox bent forward once again his face very close to the boy's and he whispered, "Ha? What do we have here? Is this why you didn't come home for this long?".
The boy looked up in confusion but soon he froze, the fox had the pouch in his hand!

The boy leaped up to catch the pouch, his movements desperate. But he was more than a head shorter than the fox. The fox seemed to be enjoying this new game as he soon took the pouch in his mouth transforming into a fox and he ran away towards the forest.


The peace of a desolate mountain seems ethereal. The evening dulled the noises as the creatures returned to their nests.A tiny squirrel found a very special nut and hid it inside its mouth. Its mouth bulged and it climbed up to its little nest on a tree. But as it reached there another bigger rodent was already sitting atop. It lunged towards the squirrel and the little one jumped and started running to save it's harvest. But it was soon overtaken by the larger rodent. That rodent pushed the little squirrel down on the ground. But it didn't seem to fight the squirrel. Instead it bit near its neck and the squirrel admitted defeat. It opened its mouth to let out the nut and share with the big rodent.
This really was a strange exchange that was never seen by anyone else. The night followed dusk and stars peeped out.

A greenish glow rushed through the mountains, it's movements swift and precise. Where the glow appeared creatures shivered in their nests. The creature was a fox, it's nine tails flowing wildly behind it like green flames lightening up, leaving a trail of light. A very large bird was following closely, its wings stretched wide covering half the sky at one go. It's shadow fell, casting a halo of deep darkness upon the moutain slopes, even the moon was grumpy that it couldn't light up the forest with its new charm.
The chase continued from mountains to planes to deserts, crossing forests, rivers and sand until a strange patterned illusion became visible.

The fox pushed it's hind legs and jumped inside the illusion, the bird slowed down in front of it. The illusion have some ripples left from where the fox has entered it. The ripples reflected the bird, a crane. With greyish feathers and wings all bluish grey, beautiful deep blue eyes filled with tears.

Note: I don't know the title of the chapter, sorry but you have to ask the writer.
The writer: "......"

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