Chapter 1 - The Worst Birthday

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I never wanted to be dragged into a fight between the forces of good and evil.

It was scary, huge, confusing, chaotic and painful. You were always fighting to stay alive and save each other. Keeping balance in the world. It's not something you want to be pulled into. 

I warned you.

My name is Madelyn. I was a normal 7th grade girl till the day everything changed.

It was my birthday.

September 7th, 2020. I looked at my reflection on the window, observing myself. I have long loose curly brown hair that stopped slightly below my shoulders, light brown skin, and leaf green eyes that could change color. I was sitting in Math Class, which was almost over and was thinking about the epic party my parents were going to have for me tomorrow when I got home. 

"Madelyn! Are you paying attention?"
The strict tone snapped me back to the present. I started and my elbow slipped off my desk in surprise, then looked around. Everyone was staring at me. 

"Yes, sir."

The teacher, Mr. Smith's, voice continued droning on, "....and for homework do page 70 in your math book, find the percentage of error and record it in your notes. Any questions?"

No one raised their hand. 


Everyone jumped.

"Class dismissed." 

I turned around and started packing my books into my backpack and my lucky charm, a moon necklace. I found it one day on the ground in the middle of a dodge ball game with a sun necklace, comet necklace, and a star necklace.

Thinking that maybe I could give it to my best friends, Ava, Fallon, and Lily, I bent down to pick it up when 2 balls zoomed above me at full speed and hit a girl's face behind me one after the other.

"OW!" she screamed. All of her friends immediately ran to help her. She looked around clutching her nose in pain. I tried to straighten my face while her eyes landed on me. "This is all your fault! You're supposed to be stopping the balls from hitting me!" 
 This is Marrisa Chang. She had a pointed chin, brown eyes, pale skin, freckles, and dirty blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail. She wore a white short sleeved shirt with the word "Cheerleader!" written in bright pink and gold with a pink black and gold tartan skirt to match. She wore black leggings that stopped at her shins and white converse sneakers. She was one of the rich, popular kids at school who everyone wanted to be friends with. She was also a bully to me.

In truth, she was just standing around chatting with her friends when I was doing all the work trying to dodge, catch, and throw the balls at the opposing team. "You're supposed to protect yourself, dummy. But apparently your too lazy to focus on what's happening in front of your own face."

That's what I should've said.

What really happened? 

"Sorry, I didn't know you were behind me. Maybe you should go a little to the side so you don't get hit?" I asked through clenched teeth.

 "It's not your job to tell me what to do," she snapped. 

"Maybe we should move off to the side a little that way you don't get hit, Marrisa." One of her friends said hesitantly, "After all we don't want to have you hurt before your huge party tonight." 

She almost always had parties but this one was to make sure that no one went to mine. Of course, she wasn't invited.

Anyway back to the present. I put the necklaces I had in a box wrapped in colorful sprinkled paper and instead of using ribbons, I used red and orange periwinkles freshly picked from my backyard making a circle around one bright yellow marigold placed in the middle.

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