I'm so sorry

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Sorry I haven't been active, I have been busy with my personal life lately. I hope y'all enjoy this short one shot :) 

Cheryl and Toni walked down the halls of Riverdale High holding hands. Cheryl had a big smile on her face but Toni's face was flat, just staring ahead of them. 

"What's on your mind TT?" Cheryl asked, looking at her shorter girlfriend. 

"Nothing really, just thinking about what I want to eat for dinner, since my dad won't be home." Toni lied, putting on a small smile so Cheryl wouldn't be suspicious. Cheryl nodded and smirked. 

"What if I came over later, you know, since your dad won't be home." Cheryl smiled, leaning against her locker. Toni wrapped her arms around Cheryl and nodded, "That's a good idea." 

"I always have good ideas my TT, now lets go to lunch." Cheryl giggled as the two leaned in and kissed for a few seconds, before Toni suddenly pulled away, leaving Cheryl confused as they walked to the cafeteria. 

Cheryl just shook her confusion away as the two sat at a table with their friends, Kevin, Josie, Archie, and Fangs. As everyone talked during lunch Toni just didn't seem like herself, she was zoned out the whole time, she wouldn't hold Cheryl's hand, and she was slowly eating her food. 

On their way to PE Cheryl pulled Toni aside and whispered into her ear, "Is everything okay TT? You seem off today." Toni just nodded in response and Cheryl sighed as the two continued their way to PE. 

Finally at the end of the day the Cheryl and Toni hung out on the football field with their friends for a bit. When Toni left to use the bathroom everyone looked directly at Cheryl. 

"I know, she's acting weird, and I have no idea why." Cheryl sighed, Archie sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her, "I'm sure everything is fine." He smiled. 

"Yeah, she's just having an off day most likely." Kevin added, Josie nodding.

"I hope its nothing big. I'm just worried because she's barely touched me all day, like, you guys know that we are a very touchy couple, always holding hands and shit. But today she's held my hand like, once." Cheryl explained, getting up and kicking a small pebble. 

"Like Kevin and Arch said, I'm sure she's just having an off day Cheryl, she'll be fine within a day or so." Josie said with a reassuring smile. 

A few minutes later Toni came back out and said she had to leave, she left without giving Cheryl a kiss. The others noticed Cheryl take a big deep breath so they gave her a hug. 

"Sorry, I'm probably thinking too deep into this and its just messing with me." Cheryl chuckled nervously, "Its just, she always gives me goodbye kisses, which you guys know." 

"Yes, you're for sure thinking too deep into this Cher. Just remember how much she loves you, like I said earlier, I'm sure everything is fine." Archie smiled a bit, a sympathetic smile. 

"The amount of times you are all reassuring, makes me less reassured." Cheryl ran her hand through her hair and got up.

"Well, thanks guys, for trying to make me feel better. I have to get some homework done before I head to Toni's later." Cheryl smiled a bit, a sad smile, as she gave everyone hugs and left. 

She thought she was thinking about how strange Toni was acting, too deeply, but was she? Toni had never acted this way towards the redhead. Toni had always acted very loving towards Cheryl. 

That's all Cheryl thought about on her drive home, Toni. 

That's all Cheryl thought about while doing her homework, Toni. Eventually she shoved her work aside because she couldn't focus. 

Cheryl, remember, I'm here for you if Toni isn't  is the message from Archie that popped up on her phone. Seeing that made her want to cry. Cheryl silently cursed Archie in her head but at the same time was feeling grateful to have such a great bestfriend. 

She text him thank you before quickly fixing her makeup and grabbing her car keys. Cheryl made her way to Toni's feeling more happy than she thought she would feel. She was getting over that Toni's weird behavior was a bad thing. She planned to ask Toni about it later tonight, after they had some fun. 

Cheryl knocked on Toni's door, Toni answering no less than 30 seconds later. 

"Hey Cheryl." Toni smiled a bit as Cheryl walked in, closing the door behind her. 

Toni sat on the couch and pat the spot next to her. Instead of sitting in that spot, Cheryl sat on Toni's lap. Toni took a deep breath as Cheryl started kissing her neck, putting her hands on the redheads hips. 

Cheryl was on top of Toni and the two had their shirts off when she decided to stop Cheryl. 

"Cher, wait." Toni said, pulling away from the heated kiss they were having and catching her breath. 

"Is everything okay TT? Did I do something wrong?" Cheryl asked, her worry coming back as the two sat up. 

"Actually, I did something wrong. We need to talk." Toni sighed. Cheryl nodded and the two got their shirts back on.

"I kissed someone, well, she kissed me." Toni said, looking straight ahead, not wanting to look at Cheryl. 

"That's why you've been acting weird I suppose?" Cheryl asked, looking at Toni. Toni nodded, biting her lip. 

"Well TT, you didn't do anything wrong, assuming you pushed her away." Cheryl smiled a bit, grabbing Toni's hand, Toni pushed Cheryl's hand away and shook her head.

"I kissed her back and I liked it, Cher, I liked it. Her and I have been hanging out a lot lately and I think I uh- am in love with her." Toni said, slowly getting quiet. 

Cheryl's heart broke into pieces.

"It's Veronica, isn't it." Cheryl said, feeling tears come to her eyes as Toni slowly nodded. 

"I'm so sorry." Toni said, her voice breaking. 

"I'm never speaking to you again." Cheryl said with no emotion, getting up from the couch. 

"I understand, and you can uh- you can still hang out with Archie, Kevin and Jose. Fangs is my bestfriend, I'll be fine with him. This would be so its-" 

"I get it Toni, obviously our relationship never meant nothing to you. Obviously I'm not good enough for you anymore." Cheryl shook her head, holding back her tears as she walked outside. 

"That's not true." She heard Toni say from the doorway. Cheryl didn't turn around to face Toni, she just stood there, looking at the ground.

Toni continued, "You were my first love Cheryl, and I will always be grateful for everything you've taught me about love. But, I'm just not in love with you anymore. I'm so sorry." She looked down, putting her hands in her pockets. 

"I can't with your crap, have fun with Veronica, have a nice life Toni." Cheryl got in her car and drove away. After she was out of Toni's neighborhood, she pulled over and just stared out the front window, trying to process everything that happened. 

And just like that, her first love that lasted 3 years was over, in the matter of a few minutes. 

She didn't know if she was ready to see Toni and Veronica as a couple at school, but she knew she was strong enough to handle it.

I hope you all enjoyed! Vote for more one shots. 

Writing helps me stay calm when I am anxious, currently, my life is very stressful, so I have been writing a lot, a lot of sad Choni one shots. I will try to write more positive ones and I promise to post one shots more frequently. 

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