When The Live Is Over (Stefanielle)

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"Okay, you have to press the little button now," Danielle said, pointing to her phone as they brought the live stream to an end.

"Okay," Stefania leaned forward, Danielle waving from behind her.

"Bye everyone! Arrivederci!"


"Now, don't lose it though. Press it and it will ask to save,"

"Okay," Stefania laughed as she tried to figure out how to end the live, Danielle not being much help as she pointed and laughed from behind the sofa.

"So, end now right there,"

"Yes," And then the live ended and Stefania could finally take a breath of relief that she didn't have to deal with technology and social media anymore.

"You need to save it!" Danielle laughed, but Stefania just looked at her blankly, confusion written all over her face and handed her the phone. "All done. See, that wasn't too bad and they had no idea you were even here. The comments were going crazy," Danielle locked her phone and sat down on the sofa next to Stefania, folding one leg under her.

"I don't know how you do these lives so often," Stefania sighed.

"I find them fun," Danielle smiled, shrugging her shoulders. 

"I keep saying more than I mean to!" Stefania pointed out, raising her hands up in the air then slapping them down on her legs. 

"At least you're honest?" Danielle suggested, a small smile on her face. 

"By telling thousands of people about my first kiss being with a girl and that I dance around naked and that I have fantasies about my co-worker? I think that's just a little too honest,"

"Yeah, I was meaning to come back to that," Danielle said, a light blush rising up on her cheeks. Danielle always felt like there was some sort of tension between her and Stefania that went much further than being just friends, though neither had dared to explore it. However Stefania's comment suddenly made the topic much easier to approach. 

"I- yeah," Stefania laughed as she rubbed her chin, trying her best to hide her nervousness in the situation. She was slightly shocked herself when the revelation slipped out of her mouth, and even though she paused before confessing, she knew she'd been wanting to tell Danielle for a while. Just a little bad timing that it happened to be on a livestream that will now be on the internet forever. 

"So do I get the privilege of finding out what these fantasies are about?" Danielle teased, sitting up a little straighter as she stared at Stefania. 

"That depends," Stefania said, slowly bringing herself to look up into intrigued blue eyes. The brunette had a mass of thoughts swimming around her mind as she struggled to decide what exactly she wanted to say. "Danielle, we... I'm not wrong in thinking that there is something here, right?" She gestured to the space between them. 

"No, you're not wrong," Danielle said quietly as she started to fiddle with her fingers. 

"Oh gosh," Stefania laughed again, not used to feeling so nervous. "I won't lie, I only thought I'd have this conversation with you after at least two bottles of wine,"

"Unless you want to run to the store and get four bottles, we're having it now," Danielle said as she ran her hand through her hair. 

"I might just have to," Stefania looked down at the floor then pushed herself off of the sofa, though Danielle dived forward and grabbed her arm before she could move. 

"I was joking, I can't handle the anticipation and have to know now," Danielle said seriously as she looked up at Stefania. The brunette attempted to pull away but Danielle just pulled her back in, a little harder than she meant to because Stefania toppled over, almost falling straight on top of Danielle if it wasn't for the fact that she managed to support herself with one hand on the back of sofa. "Sorry," Danielle laughed as she looked up at Stefania who hadn't moved, she just remained gazing down at the blonde. 

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