"My parents are like that too. They're always busy. Even when it seems like they're not." Noya opened his mouth to say something more but closed it.

"My parents don't pay much attention to what me and Saeko do. That's why she does her best for me." Tanaka let out a heavy sigh, something I don't hear from him often. Though the whole situation was foreign with these two. They're usually quite immature and hyper, now they had pretty solemn looks on their faces and no one had spoken a word since Tanaka talked about his parents.

As we neared the doors to the store i grabbed one of their hands each, "Wait here for a second." I gave them both a quick squeeze and ran to the drink cooler and grabbed their favorite drinks.

When the door opened again they were met with me holding up their drinks with a grin, "I'm not the best at comforting but just know that if you ever need anything you'll always have a place here."

They both opened their drinks, Tanaka's being a water that looked like can of beer and Noya's being strawberry Jarritos.

"Thanks Sakai!" Noya grinned boyishly.

A smile rose on my face as i looked at my fellow second years, "Don't stay up too late, okay? Rest up for our games tomorrow."

After I got out of the shower I let myself fall onto my bed, though I didn't do a fraction of what the boys did today i was exhausted. So much had happened today, Date Tech really stressed me out. Not only that but meeting some of the teams family was pretty stressful, though it was really just Kageyama's parents. They were like statues the whole time, they didn't even stay after the game ended. Speaking about the game ending, seeing the look on Kageyama's face when Oikawa was taking was horrifying. He looked so upset. I let out an audible gasp as i remembered Oikawa's text.

I turned over in bed, picking up my phone and quickly sending back a reply, thinking he would be asleep by now.


My phone lit up almost immediately with a text from the arrogant setter.

Why are you still awake?

Shouldn't i be asking you?
don't you need your
beauty sleep before your

i'm glad someone
understands my needs. but
no, i'm just studying up for
the game tomorrow.

oh hehe, it feels so bad
to text the manager of the
team i'm going to play about
my plans

should i tell you more?
hehe no...

at this point i felt like letting him talk to himself, he was fully controlling the conversation. Ignoring my better judgment I continued to humor him.

I'd love to hear more
actually :( why won't you
tell me?

don't be sad :(

oh i see

you're a dangerous woman,


Anyway, when am i going
to be teaching you? I'm a
great senpai.

you pick.

monday after school?


you expect me to
1. get to your town and
2. skip practice for some
dumb training?

you know it would help
you, babe.

It's the only day i'm free,
my girlfriend and volleyball
takes most of my free time.
You should be grateful i'm
even offering monday.

okay but i still can't
get there. sorry.

don't be so dramatic, i'll
give you money for a bus.
you're only like 30 minutes
away anyway.

okay fine.

I put my phone back on my nightstand despite it still lighting up with texts from Oikawa. I let myself finally close my eyes and get some sleep.

wc: 1217

lol short chapter. feeling kinda wacky kinda crazy today.
opinions on the texts? i think since everyone from karasuno hates oikawa it's the only safe way she can talk to him so i won't be removing the communication through the phone, but i can change it to calls if that's less jarring? anyway, sleep tight angels, i love you

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