“What are you doing, Andrea? Did he send you over here to put in a good word for him?” I asked with a smile and she giggled.

“No I just notice things while I’m on watch. I think he’s better for you than Shane is but I know you’re married. Just don’t let that stop you from leaving that loser. You’re a catch, Abby. He’s an idiot to not notice that,” Andrea said before hugging he lightly. I smiled at her.

“Maybe we should go see how Beth is doing,” I said before standing up. “And thank you.” She smiled and followed me inside. We instantly heard Maggie and Beth fighting as soon as we opened the door. We went to the kitchen and found Lori just standing by the sink.

“Hey, what is going on?” I asked her.

“Beth tried to sneak a knife to hurt herself but I caught her,” Lori said not even looking at us.

“Where’s Hershel?” Andrea asked her.

“Maggie doesn’t want him finding out yet. It’s a family affair. We will let them work it out,” Lori said popping a cucumber in her mouth.

“That’s working it out?” I asked listening to the girls screaming at each other.

“When Beth stops fighting that’s when it’s time to worry,” Lori said finally looking at us.

“This could’ve been handled better,” Andrea said.

“How? Lori asked her.

“You shouldn’t have taken the knife away.”

“Excuse me?”

“You were wrong. Like Dale taking my gun that wasn’t your decision,” Andrea said with full confidence. “She has to choose to live on her own. She has to find her own reasons.”

“Want me to tie a noose for her?” Lori asked sarcastically.

“If she’s serious she’ll figure out a way.”

“Doesn’t mean I can’t stop her or let her know that I care,” Lori said, trying to clean up the kitchen as she spoke.

“That has nothing to do with it, Lori. She only has so many choices in front of her and she believes the best one is suicide. She doesn’t need to be yelled at or treated like a child,” Andrea was getting serious about her point.

“She needs a loaded gun right?” Lori said. “You’ll understand if I don’t send you in there.”

“I came through it,” Andrea stood up straight and I tensed up ready to pull Andrea off of Lori if I had to.

“And became suck a productive member of the group,” Lori sarcastically spat. That’s when I decided to step in.

“She contributes, Lori. She helps keep everyone safe,” I told her.

“The men can handle this on their own,” Lori said throwing a towel in the sink.

“I’m sorry what would you have me do?” Andrea asked her.

“There’s plenty of work to go around.”

“Are you serious? Everything falls apart and you’re in my face for skipping laundry duty?” Andrea snapped.

“It puts a burden on the rest of us. On me Patricia, Carol, and Maggie. Cooking and cleaning and caring for Beth. And you two don’t care. You sit on top of that RV working on your tan with a shot gun in your lap.” Andrea and I got quiet and looked at each other surprised she just said that.

“No we are on watch against walkers. That’s what matters. Not fresh mint leaves in the lemonade,” I told her.

“We are providing stability and creating a life worth living,” Lori was desperate to get us to see her point of view. “Look, I went after Rick. I took down two walkers.”

“After crashing Maggie’s car. Did you ever apologize for that?” I asked and Lori went quiet.

“You’re insane,” she whispered.

“No you are,” Andrea came to my defense. “And you’re the one who’s self-centered, the way you take it all for granted.”

“My husband is out there for the hundredth time. My son was shot. Don’t you dare tell me that I take this for granted.” Lori nearly jumped in Andrea’s face but backed up once she noticed I was right beside her.

“You don’t get it, do you?” Andrea started. “Your husband came back from the dead. Your son, too. And now you have a baby on the way. The rest of us have piled up our losses but you just keep on keeping on. Playing house, acting like the queen bee, making rules for everybody but yourself. You know what? Go ahead. Go in there and tell that little girl that everything is gonna be okay just like it is for you. She’ll get a husband, a son, a baby,” Andrea paused and looked at me. “And a boyfriend. She just has to look on the bright side.” I busted into laughter as Lori’s face twisted with anger. She had nothing left to say and Andrea left the kitchen.

“Was that funny?” Lori asked me.

“Hilarious,” I said once I recovered from the most I’ve laughed in a long time. I slowly walked back outside with a smile on my face and it didn’t go unnoticed once I was at the camp.

“What’s going on with you?” Dale asked me.

“Nothing. Just heard a good joke,” I said. He smiled at me.

“It’s good to see you smile, Abby. I’m not sure if I’ve ever seen it,” he said.

“She’s got a beautiful smile,” Carl told Dale as he hugged me. I smiled wider and hugged him back.

“Awe, thanks, Carl. You’re a sweetheart,” I told him. Daryl decided to make his way over to us.

“Hey, now. I’m sweet, too,” Daryl said as he ruffled Carl’s hair and he stepped away from me, allowing Daryl to get closer to me. “Where’s my hug?” Daryl opened his arms and Dale chuckled as I raised my arms but I froze when I saw Shane’s car speeding down the driveway. My smile quickly faded and Daryl dropped his arms. “And the moment is gone,” he said before walking over to them.

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