“What are you doing?” he asked as he noticed me coming.

“Keeping an eye on you,” I said innocently.

“Ain’t you a peach,” he spat. I obviously pissed him off but he had just pissed me off.

“I’m not letting you pull away from the group,” I crossed my arms.

“No, you wanna keep me close. I won’t be your back up plan when everything finally goes to hell with your precious husband,” he snapped.

“For your information, everything has already gone to hell! I don’t even know my husband anymore! The second I said she ran off he jumped in his car and chased after her! He ain’t worried about me anymore, yet I still constantly worry for him! It would be easier to just let it go and I’ve tried but I just can’t do it,” I told him and his nose wrinkled with anger.

“I’m not gonna feel sorry for you anymore, Abby. This is your mess! Just go! I don’t want you here!” he yelled at me throwing his hand toward the camp.

“My husband loves another woman. Thinks her baby is his. He thinks they were meant to be together. I’ve been hopelessly devoted to that man since high school. I heard all kinds of awful stories about him and other girls and watched him go through his ‘I can fuck anything!’ phase and prayed that one day, I’d be the only girl he’d ever want for the rest of his life. I never thought after I finally got him that he’d want anyone else. I was perfect. I treated him like a god. Hell, he was a god in my eyes,” I just started talking. I knew Daryl didn’t wanna hear it but I had to vent. I covered my face with my hands and sobbed. I heard him sigh and pull me into a hug.

“I can’t help you, Abby,” he said softly. “You gotta help yourself.” I nodded into his chest.

“I gotta go back,” I told him before pulling out of his warm hug. He nodded and went on with his business and I made my way back to camp again. Once I made it down there, Shane was pulling back up with Lori in the car. The group ran to the car but I lagged behind. I couldn’t care less if she was okay.

“Oh, my God. Are you alright? What happened?” Andrea said as she approached Lori. She immediately shrugged the questions off.

“I was just in a little accident. Where’s Rick?” she asked her and we all grew silent. Shane had quickly made his way over to me but I wasn’t backing him up anymore. “They’re not back?” Lori asked but when nobody answered her still, she turned to Shane for answers. “Where are they?”

“Look I had to get you back here,” Shane said quietly. Everyone had tight lips, wanting to stay out of this.

“You asshole,” Lori stomped over to him and started pounding his chest.

“Lori, I was going after him. I will find him.” Shane held her arms so she couldn’t hit him anymore and she seemed to calm down. “First things first I gotta look after you. I gotta make sure the baby’s alright.” Nobody knew she was even pregnant except Glenn, Dale, Rick, Shane, and I so the entire group was in shock.

“You’re having a baby?” Carl’s voice was heard right behind me. He made his way in front of me but stuck close. “Why didn’t you tell me?” He asked angrily. Lori was at a loss for words and Shane instantly felt bad that he couldn’t keep his mouth shut. I reached out a squeezed Carl’s shoulder and he turned around and looked me in the eyes before running off to the house this time.

“Come on, let’s make sure you’re alright,” I told Lori as I reached for her. She reluctantly followed my lead up to the house after Carl. The three of us sat in the living room while she held some ice up to her head. She and Carl sat together on the couch and I kept my distance and stood in the corner with arms crossed.

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