Chapter 35.

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All images used in this fanfic are the sole responsibility of their creators.

Your pov.

'we were recovering from the madness that just happened, but a giant wasp attacked us, and took a girl, her friend seemed to be heartbroken'

Misuzu: what the fuck was that !.

Matsuoka: What are you doing, come on save it !.

Y/n: Calm down, we can't just go like this.

Misuzu: Huh!?, Are you an idiot ?, didn’t you see what that did ?.

Y/n: hey also don't have to shout.

Misuzu: do you want us to face a monster like that!

Matsuoka: Yes, that shouldn't be a problem, should it?

Kamijo: wait, I know what you are trying to say, but as we are not able to survive if we continue to argue like that, it is not.

Y/n: I don't like where this is going.

Kamijo: I think we need someone strong to lead, you know, so let me be the leader.

Matsuoka: now is not the time to discuss it !.

kamijo: you know that she is probably already dead, instead of prioritizing dead people, we should give priority to saving people who are still alive, don't you think.

Matsuoka: she's a friend from our school, isn't she.

Kamijo: the representative is not my family, nor my friend or anything, I wonder if I should really save your lover.

Y/n: the girl who was taken is still alive.

Kamijo: huh?.

Y/n: that wasp species captures prey, and lays its eggs in it, so that when they hatch they feed on the victim's flesh, and can grow strong, for that they leave their prey alive, she is alive, and we can still save the girl.

Kamijo: and who said we can believe you ?.

Mutsumi: he's right, everything he said is right.

Kai: huh?  do insects also anesthetize ?, we still don't know where that thing took her, and you want us to look for it.

Mutsumi: I have an idea of what led to Chitose !!.

Kai: are you Oribe Mutsumi, are you close to the representative ?.

Misuzu: if you want to save that girl, you shouldn't say those things without foundation !!.

Matsuoka: I believe in Mutsumi, she was the one who managed to scare away those butterflies !, we wouldn't be here if it weren't for her knowledge.

Misuzu: the rescue can arrive in three certain days.

Mutsumi: we cannot wait three days, Chitose was taken by an Ammophila, in three days the eggs will hatch and the larvae will devour it, that's why we need to look for the nest and save it.

Mami: Nooooo!

Misuzu: it will be devoured by a nest of insects.

Matsuoka: Mutsumi, these people have no heart, let's leave them, and save the representative now.

Mutsumi: R-Right.

Kamijo: I will not leave !!.

Matsuoka: get out of the way, we can't waste time.

Kamijo: hey I'm the Leader here, so you have to do what I tell you to understand !.

'I go to Kamijo and punch him, when he falls to the floor I punch two more in the face, and I put the knife in his neck'.

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