Friends // Chapter 6

Comenzar desde el principio

"Okay, see ya"


When I hung up with Sophie I got a text

Niall :)

Niall :) : Hey Ath, just finished the call with my manager, but I won't be able to call you today, I need to head down to a friend's house. i'll call you at night, is that okay?

Athena: Hey Ni, yeah sure, have a nice day!

Niall :) : Thank you! You as well :))

I smiled at the little conversation we just had, it was nice

I went over to the bathroom because i needed a shower, but first I had to let Anna know that I was going out. Because if i ever leave home again without telling her, i wont be able to graduate college



"Im taking a shower because i'll hang with Soph in 30 minutes!"

"Okay, where?!"

"At the clouds cafe!"


Before stripping and getting into the shower i made sure to get my little speaker and connect it to my phone. I went into Spotify and started playing my playlist. Soon Act My Age started playing and I quickly got into the shower.

10 minutes later...

I was already out of the shower and picking an outfit. I got out some black ripped baggy jeans and a white shirt along with some sneakers.

I came back into the bathroom, did a bit of makeup, brushed my hair, and finally put my clothes on

I walked out of my bathroom, and looked at myself in the large mirror.

I had always had insecurities, I mean everyone does, right? Everyone has something about themselves that they want to change, and it's okay. But sometimes insecurities go too far and make you not like anything about yourself, and that's what happened to me.

"Do you need a ride?" Anna interumpted my thoughts


"Do you need a ride to the cafe?"

"Um, no I'll drive myself"

"As you wish"

Before heading downstairs I grabbed my phone, a hoodie, and of course, the car keys.

I hopped into the car, and put the car keys in, soon I could hear the engine roaring. It wasn't a long ride to the cafe, but since i don't want to repeat yesterday's accident, i decided to go with my car. Of course, I needed some music for my trip, so I entered spotify and put my playlist on shuffle again. Soon Sign of The Times started playing and I smiled to myself.

15 minutes later I arrived at the cafe and saw Sophie sitting alone in a table for two, I decided to make the evening a little more fun and decided to scare her. I got out of the car silently and walked, very slowly, until i reached her.


"Ahhhhh!" She let a high pitched scream


"You are such a bitch, now sit down" She demanded

"Yes ma'am"

"Details, I want details"

"Okay Soph"

I told Soph everything, the same things that I told Ann. Soph was like a sister to me, I loved her so much.

"Oh wow"

"Anna said the same" I laughed while shaking my head


"Mhm?" I asked

"Can I tell you something?"

"Yes, of course, you know you can trust me" I assured her

"Will you be mad?"

What the fuck?

"Soph you are worrying me, what?"

"Don't get your hopes up"


"We are talking about Niall Horan, one of the most famous singers in the world. He dates supermodels, and singers, and well... You aren't a model or a singer. He wouldn't date you, you are just a silly girl"

"Are you being serious right now?"

My heart broke for the 100th time in my life. It was okay if a stranger said it, it would affect me anyways but it's a stranger, they don't know me. But my bestfriend? My soulsister? I was beyond hurt


"Do you not think im enough?"

"Im not saying that..."

"Then what are you saying?"

She just looked at me, deep in the eyes. No words came out of her mouth

"Oh wow, thanks a lot bestfriend. Goodbye Soph, have a nice day"

I walked away, more like ran away, I didn't like Niall, I bearly knew him, sure, i loved hanging with him, but i wasn't into him. Sophie knows about my insecurities, and that's what hurts the most, that she knew about how her comment was gonna make me feel

I already knew that I wasn't gonna get with him, i didn't need a reminder



This is edited as well hehe okay bye

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