Epilogue 1.

Depuis le début

As soon as they had entered  Arham walked towards the crib kept at the far end, like he had been drawn towards it with a unseen string.

He had looked at the small seven months old girl inside, her crazy mop of curly hair and her green eyes staring back at Arham. He touched her tiny nose with finger and the child instantly had started to laugh, holding his finger in her tiny grip.

Meher had seen Arham fall in love again that day, she knew Alizey would always rule his heart, all their hearts.

Meher had done everything a mother would to raise Alizey up. She considered Alizey to be her responsibility as Hooriya wasn't here to take care of her daughter.

Alizey was officially the daughter of Arham and Hooriya Butt.

While Arham had taken up the journey of fatherhood, Meher had stepped on the path of self growth, she wanted to be a woman nobody could cheat on or take advantage of, someone who was independent and self sufficient.

Arham had supported Meher as she had moved out of the Butt Mansion after their divorce.

Once Meher had successfully passed her degree, she had taken up on the job offer Seher had given her. But six months down the line, Meher wanted to venture on her own, so she had quit along with Zara and Eira and together the three of them had launched a fashion line Zameira (Zara, Meher and Eira) with a little monetary help from Arham, and four years later Zameira was one of the leading labels of Pakistan and even world wide.

Meher's journey from being a ragged doll Sameera who without been given a choice and without consent had been married, sold away to being a successful designer and entrepreneur, her journey to Zameira had been difficult, where she was pushed on the floor, beat and almost defeated by life, yet she chose to rise from ashes, and she did.

The hand on her shoulder made Meher snap out of her rerun through her memory lane.

"Slow down madam." Arham said. "The car is parked here." He said pointing at the black Range Rover.

"Sorry." She said giving him an apologetic smile.

"No problem, just open the door please." He said, pointing at the sleeping figure of Alizey in his arms.

Meher pulled open the door of the back seat and moved aside for Arham to strap Alizey into the baby seat.

Once he was sure that Alizey was secure in his seat, he got into the car.
Meher had already taken the passengers seat.

"Do you want to have lunch at home or do we go out ?" Arham asked.

"I'm really tired. Let's go home." She said slipping out of her heels and bringing her knees to her chest.

Arham looked sideways at her and shook his head, although Meher had changed tremendously, glimpses of the old Meher could still be seen in her at times.

He thanked Allah that despite everything, Meher had not lost her innocence, she hadn't given up her kindness.

"Baba and Ammi have left for LA, they said they'll meet you there." Arham informed Meher.

"That's a week before they were scheduled to leave." Meher states with confusion.

"Yes, but phupho was missing dad, so Ammi suggested that they prepone their trip."

Meher •completed•Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant