Chapter Twenty-One: "Negotiations"

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For better or for worse, no one has time to critique my suggestion before the titan arrives.
"Hello demigods," he says amiably. He's in a full suit, and his pants, jacket, and tie all glisten with lights like those Christmas sweaters. Except these don't have LEDs— they're the real deal. Stars, embedded in the fabric like nuts in a chocolate bar.
This is Astraeus. Titan of the stars.
"Um, hi," I say. I start simple. "Can you let us out?" The giant, star-studded man laughs, his eyes like two balls of fiery white light.
I realize your average "negotiations" aren't going to work here. His laugh is cold and evil, like icicles in your underpants. I'm not going to get anywhere by asking nicely. It's going to take all the trickery in the world to get us out of this.
"Tiny queen," the titan says. "You and your friends will not be let go." He curls his lip in distaste. "And neither will your annoying... dog." Muffin snarls as an opening appears in the cage. Astraeus snaps his fingers and Muffin is dragged through the opening by chains of light. I try to step forward, but I can't move, and I can tell that my friends can't move, either. I see smoke curling from Muffin's fur, and I think with a wince of the bars of the cage. Tears spring to my eyes, but I bite them back. I have a job to do.
"Muffin," I say with as much calmness as I can muster. "You okay?"
"I am Muffin, Prince of Hellhounds," Muffin says. "I can handle a little— mmph!" Starry straps curl around his snout like a muzzle. I have to pinch my arm to keep myself from crying out. Stay strong, Heron. You can get out of this. You just have to... think. Think!
"Let them go," I say, using all of my willpower to stare down the titan.
"Oh!" says Astraeus, clapping his hands like I've just told a great joke. "You humans are so funny. I'm truly glad Prometheus gave you vermin fire. It makes you so much more fun to kill."
I don't like the look on his face. The phrase "starry-eyed?" I think it originated from the look on Astraeus's face when he talks about murder. His eyes glint like Thalia's silver knife.
I can tell there's no way to get out of this unscathed. You don't "negotiate" with titans. They either eat you, feed you to their pet monsters, or torture you for eternity. From the hungry look in this titan's eyes, I think it might be all of the above.
"I would like to make a deal," I say. When Astraeus turns his glowing white eyes on me it's all I can do to not vaporize on the spot.
"You're in no position to make demands, godling," he says.
"Yes," I say, looking around. "I think I am. Because I've got something you want."
Astraeus just laughs.
"And what is that, godling? You have nothing I want."
"I'm the daughter of Hera," I say. "I have powers no one has ever seen before."
Astraeus laughs again.
"So you're who all the fuss is about," he says. "Funny. I thought you'd be... tougher."
That stings, but I won't let him see it.
"If you let my friends, and the gods, go, then I will join your army."
My "friends" are too stunned by my offer to speak.
"You have my attention," Astraeus says. "But those are big promises for a demigod."
"I know," I say.
I think of my mother and her broken oath.
"You'd save your mother? Even though she wants you gone?"
"Three gods have come to me," says Astraeus, now looking at everyone rather than just me. "Can you guess who? And all of them wanted the same thing: to destroy their children."
"You're lying," I say. Astraeus just smiles. He can hear my voice shaking.
To my surprise, Thalia backs me up.
"She's right," she says. "Hestia is proud of her son. Hera wants to protect Heron. And Artemis... she might not like Rem, but that's only because she doesn't know him. Rem is a good person..." Thalia looks down. "For a man, of course."
Behind me, I can almost feel Rem's ears flush with pride.
"We called your bluff," Zane says. "Uh-oh."
"I'd say we're smarter than you think, Astraeus," I say. "You sure you don't want to reconsider my offer?"
"I'm not stupid," says Astraeus. "You'll betray me as soon as I turn around."
I think of my mother's oath again.
"No I won't," I say. "And I can guarantee it."
"I'll swear," I say. "I'll make an oath."
"Humans don't keep promises," Astraeus snarls. I'm getting to him. I'm making progress. I can tell.
"I will. I'll swear— I'll swear on the River Styx."

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