Chapter 2

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Both Skylar and Aiden were in the group of five guards that accompanied me to the ship. Out of the other three, two had orange hair and one had green.

The color of our hair and eyes could vary greatly, unlike the Earthlings. They needed dye for their hair to be a brighter color, while we were born with it. It made us stand out a little among them, which could be a problem when I went to search for my brother on Earth.

I approached a large platform just outside the front doors of my castle where the spaceship rested. The crew rushed around for last minute checks of vital supplies. As I approached, a male crew member walked up to me.

"Your Highness," he bowed low. "We should be ready for departure in less than five minutes. If you would follow me aboard the ship, I could show you to a chair and bring you a warm meal."

"Thank you, but I won't need the food right now. However, my guards will need a place to rest as well. Could you prepare some snacks after we lift off?"

"Of course. We'll get the snacks to you as soon as we can. We already have everything ready for the guards, too."

"Thank you," I told him politely. He nodded and began leading the way toward the ship.

I followed him as he led the way up a ramp to the entrance of the ship. The door worked the same way as the ones in my castle, folding outward from the middle to open. It closed behind us as we stepped inside and I observed the inside of the ship.

As Zucarians, we took pride in how well kept our ships were. All of them were painted a blue and silver color, signifying that they belonged to us. There were a few small windows, and the ships were pointed at the front for faster movement in flight. Slight details in the design added to the speed as well.

The interior consisted of nine rooms. There was a large room in the middle that connected the others, and it was the first room we walked into once we were through the entrance. The other five rooms were the kitchen, crew room, guard room, my room, and the control room. There were also bathrooms connected to the crew room, guard room, and my room.

The control room door was shut, and I didn't want to venture inside for fear of screwing something up. As I wandered around, I noticed that all the rooms were well furnished and looked comfortable. The kitchen was filled with as much extra food as we could spare, and a few of the crew were in there doing last minute checks.

It would only take three days to reach Earth, but we would need enough fuel and supplies for the return trip as well and however long we planned to stay on Earth.

I returned to my guide and thanked him. As he descended back down the ramp, I turned my attention to the guards. They were standing at attention, spaced evenly along the walls of the main room. The guards were trained to instinctively take up guard positions without having to be asked, but I didn't want them so tense right before we left Zucar.

"Relax," I told them. "We'll be on this ship for three days. I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

They glanced at each other uneasily but eventually moved forward to sit on couches and chairs. I sat on a chair with a table beside it and tapped my fingers on the armrest as I waited impatiently, my body already wanting to be up and moving.

Suddenly, a voice came through the speakers placed in the ceiling of the ship.

"We will be departing in thirty seconds. Everybody please take a seat while we make sure the doors are secured."

I scanned the room, making sure my guards followed the directions. They sat a little stiffly and were all silent. I was probably a little tense, too. This was my first time on a ship, and nobody but the people assigned and trained on the ships ever used them.

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