Chapter 2

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"I guess were too early to go to class now" y/n scoffed in frustration "you aint chill, be like me almost not giving a fuck about college life" yeji continued eating her bread "idiot" y/n laughed in annoyance "at this point just shut and ditch class cause its already past 7.30.." taehyun glared

Skip..(in class)

After some time, they three walked into
Class "phew" taehyun left out a heavy breath as a sign of relief. Y/n ran to her table and took a seat followed by yeji beside her, taehyun at the front. Taehyun turned facing both of the
Girls and started gossiping about random stuff,
As they laughed a person across their seat was staring at them, mainly darting eyes at y/n

"Whats with that starring?" Jake cut off yeonjun who was staring at the group
For minutes "you see that girl?" Yeonjun pointed "who?" Jake went a little closer almost near yeonjuns neck "that group, where y/n is, shes so preety" yeonjun smiled "she has a nice look, can't deny the fact" jake told yeonjun

At that moment it striked yeonjun

"Is this love?"

"The feeling is just calming and driving me insane right now"

"Is this how it likes to have emotions?"

Yeonjun started to smile out of the blue

"Jake," yeonjun shifted from smiling to a dark look "hmm?" Jake hummed "I want her.." yeonjun said in a slow-desperate tone but as few seconds passed by it turned even more desperate and demanding. Jake had no choice but to grab yeonjun and lightly slap him "get
To your senses yeonjun, were in class not somewhere where you can throw your feelings at." Jake tried to get yeonjun back to his senses

"Shes mine.. She will be, she is mine and must be mine" he started smirking instantly as he thought in his head

"Like a predator hunting for its prey"

Time skip (at the basement)

"We're starting to get fired up" jake removed his school tops "what now" soobin rolled his eyes "you see, yeonjun had feelings for this girl in my class and his starting to get crazy like last time" jake and the others sighed in unison

"Oh comeon I didn't have fun last time, he died too quickly" beomgyu said in a dissatisfied tone while sitting on a stack of boxes and swinging his legs back and forth "your like the another version of yeonjun but a little worse beomgyu" jay glared at beomgyu from the dark corner he was sitting

"So yeonjun, what do you wanna do?" Jungwon started speaking up making all eyes darted to yeonjun

Yeonjun walked up to the broken mirror as he saw his multiple reflections and starred at it he then left out a heavy breath before continuing
"Let the game begin" he smiled like a psycho and started laughing evily.

"A person who is heartless once felt pain"


It seems im gonna be in a cringe crisis cause i cant brain about what i wrote months ago..

Its my first time writing and my first book but im continuing it now😫❤️

Anyways have a great day❤️


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