Valentine's Day

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Hiya! It's been a while so I hope you'd like this. Alsoo, I miss my Jerrie 🥺


"Thank you, Sir, have a lovely day!" Jade said to apparently her fifth customer for the day. It was almost noon but the shop was busier than ever. Well, since Valentine's day is tomorrow, of course, the flower shop would be packed by customers, and not just their regulars.

The brunette frowned as soon as the man who bought a bouquet of lilies left. Don't get her wrong, Jade was happy for helping their customers purchase the perfect set of flowers to offer their significant other tomorrow. She just can't help but feel a slight hint of jealousy.

"What's got you pouting, Poopey?" Jade turned her head around as soon as she heard the familiar voice. As she did, there she saw her best friend, Perrie enter the shop, followed by their other friends, Leigh-Anne and Jesy.

"How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that anymore?" She said, obviously annoyed with the nickname. The girls laughed at her reaction. "What're you doing here, anyway? I thought you guys are going to look for dates?"

"We did, just came by to rub it in your face," Leigh-Anne said that caused Perrie to elbow her in the stomach.

"Ha-ha. It's all over my face already, no need for your rubbing. Now run along, peasants." Jade said sarcastically which earned her a smack in the head from her oldest best friend, Jesy. "Hey, what was that for?"

"For being rude, what else?" Jade rolled her eyes.

"What's with the negativity today, Jade? This is so unlike you." The blonde girl asked.

Perrie was right, this was very unlike her. Jade sighed. Usually, this time of the month is supposed to be one of the happiest times for the brunette. Every year was always the same. She'd go to work, would willingly help their customers pick the flowers, and at the end of her shift, she'd go home and keep herself busy by watching random movies on Netflix. It was pretty much the story of her life. Only this time, she couldn't understand why she was bitter all of a sudden.

"To be honest, I don't know." She said.

"Are you okay, Jadey?" The blonde girl asked.

Jade gave her friends a small smile before making her way towards the back of the store to get a few more lilies to fill the now empty lily vase. Perrie didn't hesitate to follow her but not before telling her other friends to wait for her at the counter. She felt like Jade wanted to talk to her alone.

"What's wrong? C'mon Jadey, tell Perbear, I'm all ears." The blonde asked. "Are you jealous or something?" She asked again, making sure to very cautious as she doesn't want to upset her friend even more. But after blurting out the question, it was too late.

Once again, the brunette sighed. She wanted to answer her best friend's question with a lie but she knows that the blonde girl could see right through her. She knows her very well.

"I don't know. I mean, I guess?"


"Okay fine." There was no point in lying anymore so she decided to tell her best friend how she feels. "I'm jealous, yes. I can't help it. I haven't been on a date during Valentines's day. Hell, I've never actually been on a date before."

"What are you talking about? What about the time you and Jed went to the supermarket?"

"Please," She huffed, "would you call it a date if he only invited you to help buy the groceries his mother asked us to?" The two girls laughed, remembering how nervous Jade got when the lad "asked her out".  Actually, it was his mother who had asked her to join her son buy the groceries.

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