The Beautiful Brunette

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Prompt: Perrie was always at her friends' club to get wasted but one night a beatiful brunette captures her heart and soon enough they've foud theirselves fucking each other.


Perrie sat on her usual seat, drinking down her fifth drink for the night. Usually she'll just have two to three drink then she'll leave the club but today seemed to be different for her. A bad one though.

Her boss scolded her earlier for being late in one of their meetings, her mom just got a new boyfriend again and she just found out that her brother was ill and had been taken cared of by her younger sister since her mom was busy with his "new" man. She couldn't help her sister as well since she was busy at work and can't come home tonight since she'll be drinking her problems out.

She drinks every night, washing away all her deep thoughts and problems. She couldn't think of any way to help her get out of her depression so she drinks.

Sometimes, her bestfriend's would be here to comfort her, yet drink with her during these times, but sadly they were all busy with their lives.

Perrie couldn't blame them, they have a life too and she's not some kind of baby to be taken care of. She can take care of herself...that is if she wasn't too drunk.

Time passed by and Perrie was on her eighth drink. People around her are getting wasted just like her, and everything seemed to be a blur to her.

She decided that it was time to go home by now, since she knew that tomorrow, she'll have a major hangover by all the drinking she did earlier. And besides, she still have to work early for tomorrow.

As soon as she tried to stand up in her own two feet, she stumbled a little, making her fall onto someone passing by. She slowly looked up and she immediately smirked. Her vision was blurry but the face of the girl who was holding her now was crystal clear in her eyes. She was a brunette with the most amazing eyes and pink plump lips. She was beautiful, atleast that's what Perrie thinks since she was drunk already.

"Miss? Hey, are you okay?" The brunette asked her, waving her hand on her face. Perrie just answered with a slur 'yes' before trying to stand again. Luckily, she did and as soon as she got a little bit out from her drunken state, the girl was gone.

Perrie tried to scan the room, but she didn't see her, even a quick glance.

So Perrie was left with no other choice but to go home and let the brunette beauty occupy her mind for a while.


The next night, Perrie was on her usual seat again, but this time she wasn't drinking. She just sat there and kept glancing at the door, hoping that the beautiful brunette from last night would appear.

Perrie couldn't help it. The brunette never left her mind since last night. She was mesmorised at her. And she wanted to have the brunette as soon as possible. Call her too straight-forward, but she wanted nothing more than just to have her all to herself.

A couple of minutes later, Perrie heard the door open and she glanced up to see the same brunette from last night. A smile made its way on her face as the brunette entered the club.

She was wearing a tight gray dress that hung low just above her thighs. Her hair was a little messy but still looked perfect. It might be a little dark inside the club but Perrie noticed that the brunette was wearing lighter make up than last night.

But her smile suddenly changed when she saw that the brunette was holding somebody's hand. And it broke her heart to see that it was girl.

'So she was gay...' To Perrie, it was supposed to be okay but when she realized that the brunette was already taken, her hopes downed out. The fact that she actually had a chance to have the brunette was pretty obvious but since the brunette was taken, she concluded that she had no more chance at all.

JERRIE One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora