7| Calling Home

47 3 1

The Game

In the first period, the game was going well. I had 1 assist on Alex's goal and we were up 2-1. On our road trip we lost 1 and won 4. "Nice play out there." William Nylander sits beside me on the bench.

"Thanks. You're looking good out there too." I respond. The game continues and we are able to finish out the road trip on a win. We ended up winning 4-1 and Morgan scored the last goal in the third period. We still don't have a captain, but I think Morgan would be great for it. After post game interviews we all go back to the hotel and get ready to leave. We are flying the red-eye back to Toronto. Morgan was giving me a ride home. I hadn't talked to Brooks in a few days and I didn't want to interrupt her sleep this late at night. I sit on the plane again next to Mitch and we both fall asleep. Morgan drives Auston, Alex, and I home together. On the way home I send Brooks a text.

Me: "We landed. Goodnight, I'll see you later."

When I get home Auston and I head straight to bed. I woke up at 9am. It was an off day and I had no plans. I laid in bed until I heard my phone vibrate. I look at my phone and see a text from Brooks.

Brooks: "Good morning :) I'm glad you got home. Off day today?"

Me: "Good morning. Yeah it's an off day. You busy today?"

Brooks: "Lots of studying to do :("

That meant that we can't hang out today.

Me: "Study hard :) Let me know if I can bring you a coffee or something?"

I never want to distract Brooks from studying. School is very important to her and I know that she is on the verge of graduating and going to law school. I also know that I can't let Brooks distract me from my game either. It's important to have a balance as we both are very goal driven people. With Brooks being busy today, I can plan on most likely hanging out with some of the guys on the team. I am making some coffee when my phone rings. I look at it hoping its Brooks, yet it's my mom. "Hey Mom." I say answering the phone.

"Hey honey, how's it going? I saw your game last night. You played good!"

"I'm good. Thanks. What's new at home?"

"Not much. Your brother just played in LA so he came to visit."

"That's good. I don't know when we're coming down there."

"So what's new, you seem happier than the last time I talked to you."

"Yeah, uh, the team and I have been doing really good and I've been fitting in with more of the guys on the team."

"I know you guys have a bit of a home streak right now. What if I came up and watched you guys play? Watching in person is a lot different than on tv."

"Uh. Yeah, um that would be great. I'd love for you to come."

"You know, I've seen Stella a few times since you've left. I know she misses you." Stella was one of my best friends in California, but before I left she told me she loved me. I didn't love her. My mom doesn't know about that, but still likes to dream of us together.

"Oh um yeah." Those were all the words I had.

"Should I invite her to come with me? It would be so fun to go out with you guys for dinner one night."

"You know mom, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Nick, you know she misses you, I thought that maybe it would be nice to see her again. Its been so long an—"

"Mom, I kinda have a girlfriend here. She's way better than Stella ever was as a friend." I cut her off.

"Oh honey, I'm sorry. What's her name?" I smile at her through the phone.

"Her name is Brooks, and maybe when you get here I can introduce you two."

"Awe I'd love to. I better let you go, I'll text you my flight deals when I get them."

"Ok mom. I love you. Bye."

"Bye Nick. I love you." I hang up the phone and see Auston now in the living room.

"Did you just refer to Brooks as your girlfriend?" Auston laughs looking up from his phone.

"What else was I supposed to say? 'Hey mom I'm seeing this girl that I really like and I don't know if she likes me as much back?'" I mimic.

"It's fine. I probably would've said the same thing if I were you." I smile in relief and drink my coffee. "Now you kinda have to ask Brooks then."

"Yeah I should." I say nervously.

"It'll be fine. She'll probably say yes. It's B." I nod my head.

"Should I ask or tell Morgan?"

"Uh, maybe. I'd probably just run it by him. I'm sure it won't mean much, but it just a nice thing to do."

"Thanks Auston." I walk back into my room. I have to find a way to talk to Morgan alone before I talk to Brooks. I remember that tonight Morgan is having dinner a dinner party with some of us from the team. It could be good opportunity to tell him then. 

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