When his mother died his father thought that he was going to be such a good boy that he would never lie. He believed Cole when he said he was still attending acting, Cole just always knew what lies would make his dad happy. After so long it almost became second nature to Cole to just lie to everyone about how he was feeling, he lied to his dad about who he wanted to be, he lied to his father about becoming a ninja, he lied to the others when he said he was fine, and he lied when he said he had fun being a ghost. He always lied making up stories just so people would want him around and not see how much he just wanted to scream at everyone for being idiots and believing him.

Lila's the same, but unlike her Cole only lied about his feelings she has made her lies her weapon her tongue mightier than a sword against her enemies. Also Cole still had his friends, his family, and they helped him grow, to stop lying about what he was feeling, and kept him from becoming someone like Lila.

"Look you were raised by a single parent who was too busy to watch over for you so you basically raised yourself and you feel like your owed for what you have gone through, to get revenge for something your not sure of. I have been there believe me, but what your doing is just driving people away. A lie can become a truth if you work for it, you created the lie that your a nice person, but that become truth. It's not too late you can become a good person," Cole tried to convince her. She pauses in her pacing and for a moment the earth ninja thinks he has gotten through to her, but then she let out a loud laugh.

Still it sounded forced out like she was lying to herself now. "Your just like the rest of them," she said like he was a child saying something amusing. Without a word she transformed into Blue Bird and turns looking at me with her fan in front of her face concealing her smirk. "Fine if your not going to listen then why so you want me around still?" Cole questioned with a obvious bite. She hums in villainously and plucked a feather from her fan. She clutched it in her palm and when she opened it the white feather became darkened. She held up a plain old silver chained necklace and put it in the necklace. The necklace glows a dark blue before it became like it was before. Then Blue-bird held up her other palm and created a head ban the same colour as her outfit with the picture of a peacock on the front.

"You see these peasants are taking too long and since your here I assume a raid can't be too far behind," she said twirling the fabric she made in her hands. She put the necklace over her neck and it grew a peacock pendant handing from it and she traces it with her fingers like it was glass. "And if those bone heads aren't completely useless then your a earth elemental aren't you? So you can technically raise stones," she said like it was all a game. "Like a entire stone pyramid?" She asks rhetorically and said earth elemental looks at her with a dead set expression. "I will never do anything you want," He says and his answer is final.

"Oh I know," she said and snapped her fingers. Two skeletons came into the cage then held Cole down so he was kneeling and since he was in a cage made entirely out of venge-stone he was unable to use his super strength and get them off him. "Let me go!" Cole demands. Blue-bird came over to him wrapping the fabric around his head slowly as a torture, humming as she tightened it so it would not be falling off.

"But I always get what I want and not your friends, not your resistance, and especially not Lady-bug will stand in my way," she said as she motions for the skeletons to let go of him. When they do Cole tried to tackle her, but grunts as he found himself frozen his fist a meter away from hitting her face. "What the?" He asks as Blue-bird taps her new piece of jewelry with a echoing metallic tapping sound. "Senti-monsters are so hard to have around you know? They basically got a mind of their own and take way to much energy, but this? It's simple to use and your body bends to my will," she laughed and said. "Bow,"

Cole unwillingly bows as she told him. "You won't be getting away with this," he growls. She grabbed his chin and harshly tilted it up. "You and your pals haven't noticed it yet, but I already have," she smirks.

Zane and Jay later that night

Zane and Jay snuck out of the prisoner tents in the dark and started sneaking around. They had looked almost everywhere avoiding detection, but found no red skull. "Ugh this was a waste of time," Jay whines when they met back up. Zane was not ready to give up though and looked around. His eyes widened when he spotted a skulkin who had a literary Red skull, and he was leaning against his dirt bike looking through a book.

"Jay," Zane motioned to the skulkin and Jay's eyes widened. "You think?" He asks. "Only one way to know for sure," Zane said and the pair walked over. When the skulkin saw them he raised his eye and probably eyebrow too if he had one. "Who's your leader?" They asked in a gruff voice. Zane answers smoothly with no hesitation. "Not a bird," he answers.

There was a moment of tense silence, before the red headed skulkin gave a gruff noise of acceptance. Zane and Jay smiled wide before bags went over their heads and everything went dark.

(Hahahah!!! I was laughing as I read the comments from the last chapter. I would just like to point out not everything sharp and metal is a knife or dagger. I cannot wait for the comments later and I hope this was worth the wait)

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