I'll Be There

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The plumber in green striped pajamas awoke with a start. He shot up like a rocket, gasping for air.

He then looked around the room, frantically. He quickly calmed down when he realized that he was in his bedroom. His eyes came across his digital alarm clock that stood on top of his nightstand, beside his bed. The red, flashing numbers read; 2:20. (AM)

Outside, the rain was pelting down softly against his bedroom window. Wind whistled outside as it gently swayed throughout the trees around his home.

So it had all just been a nightmare...

Relief washed over Luigi in an instant. He took a deep breath and wiped the sweat off of his forehead with his sleeve.

It was all over. For now, anyways...

"You alright there, Weeg?" A faint voice mumbled, not far from him.

Luigi turned his head towards the voice. He already knew it was his older twin brother, Mario, without a doubt. Even though the room was dark, he could faintly make out the shape of Mario's bed that was beside his. It was roughly about a few metres away from his own. The twins had shared a room ever since childhood, so they were quite used to each other's presences and sharing a room within one another.

"Y-Yeah..." Luigi whispered, holding back the urge to cry. He swallowed a large lump in his throat. "I... I just had a nightmare, but don't worry about me, though. I'm alright. Sorry to wake you up for no reason, bro."

Luigi could hear some shifting sounds as his brother began to sit up in his bed and yawn. Mario then sighed in exhaustion and casually climbed out of his bed. He made his way towards Luigi's bed and sat down on the edge of it, adjacent to his brother. Even though Mario's legs were over the edge of the bed, Mario's body was still turned in a way to face his little bro. Luigi could also see his brother clearly now in the dim moonlight that shone through their window.

Mario was wearing his striped pajamas that were identical to his brother's. However, Mario had red stripes instead. He also had a small, red 'M' symbol stitched into the left side of his breast pocket shirt. Luigi's was the same, except that his was a green 'L'.

Mario's usual neat, brown, wavy hair was slightly mixed up in a tangled mess of bed-hair and his blue, sparkly eyes were dark and sad with exhaustion. However, the plumber in red just rubbed one of his sleepy eyes and forced out a small smile of comfort for his brother.

"You know I'm always here for you, Weegie." Mario soothed, lightly patting his brother on the back in hopes to relax his brother a bit more.

"Thanks, Mario." Luigi managed to croak out in a shaky voice. His throat was harsh like sandpaper and his throat ached for a glass of water. His brother always knew how to make him feel better, though. He did his best to be there for people. He really did. Luigi, along with many others, highly appreciated it. Not as much as Luigi, though. After all, he was his brother. His twin brother. Nothing would ever try to change that and nothing ever will.

"Would you like to tell me your nightmare? Maybe that will help you feel better and ease the stress off of you, little bro." Mario asked. His blue eyes looked almost looked like black eye sockets in the dark, but nevertheless, there was always that same little twinkle of hope, laughter and love that shone in them.

Luigi glanced into his brother's eyes. His own blue eyes seemed to be slightly filled with tears as he quickly wiped them away.

He didn't want to cry. Not over something as silly and stupid as this.

Luigi turned his head away so he wouldn't have to look at his brother's concerned eyes. He sighed to himself. He wished Mario didn't wake up because of him. Now he feels like he's in a child-and-parent situation all over again. His mother used to act the same way to him when he was only a kid, which is most likely why Mario resembles this scenario, too.

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