Chapter 1

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Nailea POV:
Today is the first day of school and I'm a senior in high school. I am currently 17 turning 18 In a couple of months. I am very excited for this year because it's my last for high school. I am trying to focus more on school than anything else and living my life. Boys, No I think they are a waste of time but I do fall for them easily tho🤭. (Little does she know😞)My car got taken away last week because I hit another car now I have to take rides with Sarah now😭🙄. Don't get me wrong I love Sarah but she can talk your ears off sometimes😭.

Your outfit:

Your outfit:

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Later on...

Sarah's POV:
Now that I have to drop off and pick up Nailea all the time I get to do anything with her. So now she has no choice to go to stores with me and restaurants. When she walked into the car i looked at her up and down and said "ohhhhh ok so who you tryna look good for?!? Ms.Model" while laughing. "Umm....definitely not you...jkjkjk but no one!" Nailea said. Eewww is that a bug in you??" I said "What where???" Nailea said I quickly pushed her head towards the door. (This is how they play. So chill!) She got mad and then started laughing. "You're lucky I can't move since I got all my bags on me you bitch"

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