- Hatori and Akito will delay a bit. - Kureno appeared from the adjacent chamber - He asked us to wait them here.

- Kureno-san! How have you been? I'm glad to see you. - Asked Ritsu politely and bowed at him, they exchanged a few words to catch up as they haven't seen each other for some time.

Actually, none of them have seen him for quite a while, but this was not strange taking in mind that Akito has the tendency to hide Kureno under her custody. Shigure knew that there was something more about both of them, a fact that drove him to commit some reckless act in the past out of jealousy. However, he never let Kureno notice how uncomfortable he felt because of his affairs with Akito. But for some reason he was not feeling that way anymore lately...

A maid appeared no long after to offer some beverages and snacks for them to have while waiting for Akito's arrival. All of them, excepting Shigure, refused. They were expecting not to spend more time than necessary there. But Shigure had different intentions, he planned to extend his reunion a bit longer as he needed to talk to Akito about a certain matter... It was not going to be easy, but there was no other option.

- Is Hatori doing a health check to Akito? - asked Ritsu innocently, to break the awkward silence.

- Not really. Akito's health has been stable lately - replied Kureno - They had some things to resolve outside. He said they won't be late.

This alerted Shigure, who hadn't repaired about their weird absence. A health check would be the most common reason but if that wasn't the case... what could it be? Akito doesn't leave the complex very often... And then this sudden call... Everything started to feel like there was something odd  going on.

- What matters could have Akito outside here to have us waiting? - asked Shigure, trying to sound unconcerned.

- I'm in no position to answer that - confessed Kureno - He just asked to be here waiting until his arrival to hear what he has to say.

- Do you know by any chance what is it remotely about? - Shigure began to be tense.

- I don't know... He just said he had a lesson to teach us. Something about giving us an important warning. - Kureno hesitated - He mentioned that it was necessary that you specially, Shigure, should be here today.

Shigure stood up all of a sudden, visibly irritated. He was fearing the worst and feeling stupid for not having suspected a single thing until then. Akito always knew how to corner him. His plans for today would have to be postponed, he needed to leave immediately. He hurried to the door to find Kureno approaching him to block the way out.

- We can not disobey Akito's orders. - said Kureno as an excuse - I have no other option... I hope you understand.

- Akito's orders can go to hell, let me go Kureno, I won't repeat it twice. - urged Shigure, impatient

All of them found Shigure's reaction unusual. They never saw him losing his composture and they knew perfectly he had more subtle ways to reach the results he wants. Ayame realized instantly that something important was going on, he knew his friend very well.

- Kureno-san... Let him leave, probably Akito's intentions were precisely to provoke Shigure, you know how he is... - Ayame interceded in Shigure's behalf.

- But... I don't know - doubted Kureno - He was very insistent about this... He'll get mad if we don't follow his orders...

- We'll tell him that it had nothing to do with you, that you really tried to stop him, do not worry about that... - intervened Ritsu, that didn't know what was going on but was worried about Shigure.

Cursed or Not (I don't care) [Fruits Basket fanfic]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora