Chapter 1

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"What? No! You can't mean..?"

"Yes, Miss Montfort, you will be leaving tomorrow so I would waste no time in getting Amy to pack all necessary things for you and preparing yourself for the journey. It will take you about three days to get there. Amy will be joining you of course, so make sure she has some time off to pack her own things and say goodbye."

"This is not necessary, uncle! Truly I'll not bother you, I'll keep to myself and you'll not even notice I'm still here."

"No, Katy. This cannot go on. I'm sorry but I promised you one year to figure things out and its been much more than that."

Has it been? I suppose it has.

"But a finishing school, uncle? You cannot mean to throw me to the sharks like that?"

Hearing this, my uncle sharply turns round to face me. He doesn't look unkind or angry, but determined. He sighs, then speaks.

"No, to throw you to the sharks would be to have your season in London next month. I think it would be better to postpone that by another year, wouldn't you?"

I am momentarily speechless. A season in London? Has he gone insane? "Why?"

"Why what? A season? You need to think about your future here, Katy."

"No, I don't. I just need a little bit more time. There are a lot of theories we still haven't..."

"Stop, Katherine Montfort."

I jolt as he uses my new full name. He doesn't say it harshly, but it is not often I hear it.

"This is unfair! I do not wish a future here. I simply want to go home."

My uncle sighs again.

"Life isn't always fair, dear one. I tried many times before you came and we tested many new possibilities since you're here, but we must face facts now. There is no way home. This is your life now. And you must try to live it to the fullest and not fade away with me here."

I don't know what to say for a moment. "I thought you were happy to have found me? We have a nice time together, do we not?" He moves as if he wishes to speak, but I beat him to it. "We do, I know we do. I know you enjoy talking to me and discussing things from home and how we could return there one day."

"But we can't Katy. We tried. We did. But you're 18 now and if I don't introduce you to society at this point, you will one day be old and bitter and alone and pine for a home you can never regain."

"No, I will not give up, I will..."


He is angry now. He refuses eye contact with me and turns back around, facing the window, like when I came in. The sun illuminates the few grey hairs on his head that you can't see otherwise. I'm sure I have added to them since coming here.

"This conversation is over. You will trust me that I know what's best for you and you will obey."

Despite his dismissal, I will not give up so easily. My temper flared, I raise my voice somewhat.

"You know you have no real authority over me! You're not really my uncle and..."

"So, leave then. Go and try your luck in London or another city. Or try to become a milkmaid somewhere or other."

I pause.

"I am young, but not stupid. I know that would only get me killed in the end." My secret would be uncovered before too long. Eccentric, odd behaviour might be somewhat overlooked in the higher classes, gossiped about perhaps, but would be punished severely in the lower ones.

"Then there's not much left to discuss, is there?" He moves to the door to open it for me, again a clear dismissal.

I try once more to change his mind. I have to. "I disagree. Can't we talk about this as adults? I have as much as you to say in the matter. It's my future after all. Shouldn't I get the deciding vote?"

He turns around with a sad look in his eyes. "If we were still in the year 2006, you most certainly would get it. But this is the year 1806. As your guardian, I have to take charge until you find a husband to guide you."

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