A Duke and A Damsel--Chapter 22

Start from the beginning

Arjun sat at the desk, leaning back in the chair with his fingertips touching and a serene expression on his face, quite the opposite from his expression only a few moments earlier.

“Good afternoon, Blake,” he said. “I trust your walk in the park went well.”

Blake raised an eyebrow.

“Um, sure. Well, not really, but that's a story for another time. What's the emergency? What happened to you?”

“There is no emergency,” Arjun responded. “At least not yet.”

Blake started to lose his cool, and his annoyance became evident in his voice.

“Then why the hell am I standing here in a towel? I was in the middle of a nice, hot bath.”

“Do you have any idea why I look like this, Blake?”

“I've already asked you like three times what has happened to you. If I knew, I wouldn't be asking. Trust me.”

“I was stood up, rained on, splattered with mud, and mugged. On top of that, I heard some very disturbing news at Gunther's.”

“Stood up?” Blake asked, ignoring the rest of what Arjun had said. “Stood up by whom? You didn't tell me you were interested in courting anyone here.”

“Can it, Blake. I'm not. Did you hear anything I just said?”

“Yes, that you were stood up by some lady and heard some disturbing gossip at Gunther's. Maybe if you'd stop being so damned evasive all the time, I would be able to hear more. You do need to speak in order for me to gather information from you.”

“Don't be smart with me, Blake. Plus, you just assumed it was a lady. Though if you must know, I was stood up by Miss Rhodes with whom I was supposed to meet to come up with a plan to help you advance in your relationship with Emma. Anyway, I heard that you caused quite the commotion last night at the Sheridan residence. What the hell were you thinking?”

Blake's face fell.

“Um, Arjun, before you continue, there's something you need to know.”

“What?” Arjun asked impatiently, looking eager to continue his lecture.

“It's too late. I bought my passage back to India. I'm leaving in a fortnight.”

“What do you mean it's too late? And why on earth are you going back to India without fulfilling your duties to keep the dukedom?”

“Emma's getting married,” Blake stated with a resigned tone.

“What?! When did this happen?! To whom?!? Captain Sharpe?!?!” Arjun exclaimed, his voice rising with every word.

“Yes. I witnessed their engagement. In fact, I ran into Miss Rhodes shortly after, and she met Emma and Sharpe as well. She said she was supposed to meet you but wasn't feeling well so she went home instead. I think there was something funny going on between her and Sharpe, though I'm not sure what since they can't have met before. Anyway, I've decided I don't want to remain in this miserable place any longer. I sent a telegram to mother this morning telling her to expect me home and that I had some bad news for her but that everything would be all right.”

“Get dressed.”

“I beg your pardon.”

“I said get dressed.”

“Why? Did you even hear anything I just said.”

“Yes, I did, because I, unlike you, am capable of listening and reading between the lines. Now get dressed, we're going out.”

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