"Oh, I hope she gets enough rest. Still can't believe she would be working back in her hometown" she smiled timidly. Jennie-unnie has no idea that Lisa asked Jisoo to come work at their hospital, it just happened so suddenly and we don't think she's interested to know. Although we barely hangout nowadays before she even gave birth to Jiwoo she would just cry, then crying turned into anger, then anger just turned into denial. Like nothing happened, as if Lisa was just a stranger or a friend she had years ago

I just nodded my head and played with my appetizer which is cream of mushroom soup, I'm really not that hungry right now because my conscience is battling inside my head, should I tell everyone or not? I couldn't really decide

Shame on me and my eavesdropping ass

"Are you really okay? Because we could cancel tonight if you're not really feeling it" I shook my head and tried to focus on the girl in front of me. Her eyes full of worry

"Yeah, so I remembered you wanted to tell me something?" I smiled at her encouragingly wanting to change the subject before I even spill something

Her eyes suddenly shifted down playing with her fork. I leaned closer waiting for her to talk bringing my attention to her and only her, shaking off the thoughts I had in my mind earlier about Lisa, Jisoo, Kai, everything

This is what I need something that I can help with, helping Jennie-unnie with her problems at work, her stress. Somehow I feel accomplished thinking that I've helped her. I grabbed my wine glass and took a sip patiently waiting for her to start taking

"Kai proposed to me" I almost choked on my wine, spilling some of it on myself in the process. I quickly grabbed the napkin and tried to wipe some of it off. Unnie stood up and helped me also asking the servers for help

When we all got settled there was an awkward silence between our chewing and the sound of the utensils scratching our plates

We were about to speak at the same time which caused a much awkward situation. I gestured that she should go on first but she insisted that I should go on. Thinking that she might still be waiting for a comment regarding her announcement about an engagement so I mustered all my courage and opened my mouth

"Yey!" I forced a big smile waving my two hands in the air. She just looked at me for a minute when she just started bursting into laughter, I laughed at her nervous but her laugh was so contagious that I also went in and join 

"You're getting weirder the longer you hang out with Jisoo" she wiped the tears on the corner of her eyes

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