Chapter 7. His Powers

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Logan's POV//////

Virgil did something i don't know what but after he yelled there was like an explosion. we all flew back Depp got thrown after that he disappeared Virgil passed out.

Janus: what happened in there?!?!

Remy: I-i don't know Virgil passed out

i go grab the key then push it under the door. then someone grabs it and unlocks the door

Thomas: is everyone okay?

Logan: i think so

I go to Virgil trying to wake him up.

Patton: can you get him up?

Logan: no he's out

I pick him up

Logan: i'll go put him in his bed.

i go put Virgil on his bed and then go outside of his room and close the door.

Janus: so what happened.

Remy: Virgil has some short of powers. that are out of control. it's like lightning but some what of an explosion.

Roman: okay Virgil has powers. what do we do

Logan: train him so he knows how to use it

Roman: but who else has powers

we all look and Janus.

Janus: of course i'm going to teach my son how to use his powers but it's different from mine.

Logan: that we know of. i can help. i can write down things and being there might help Virgil.

Janus: so when do we start?

Patton: maybe next week?

Thomas: we should ask him when we wakes up. in the mean time what do we do.

Patton: play games?

Roman: ooo who want to help me build a Castle in minecraft. the more people that faster it will be done!

Thomas: why not just a survival world for all of us

Logan: but you can't join Thomas. we're imaginary.

Thomas: right. i can ask Joan and Talyn and whoever whats to play games or hangout.

(i don't think i spelled Talyn's name correctly.)

we all go to our rooms and log into our computers.

(i know this part is weird but its what came to mind i'm short of making this up as a go as well having it to do with my old story)

Next day.

Virgil's POV/////

i woke up in my room. what happen was that a dream? is everyone okay!?!? i walk out of my room and i go down stairs. i see Logan.

Virgil: Logan!

Logan: hi Virgil

Virgil: what happened?

Logan: yesterday we found out you have some short of powers that you need help to control because you could have hurt me and Remy. even tho that wasn't your intent. after you used your powers you passed out

Virgil: this happened Yesterday!

Logan: yeah

Virgil: when am i going to start training to use my powers i don't want to hurt anyone.

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