Chapter 4 The Date

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Logan's POV////

it's been a week since i helped virgil. i wonder what happened. he wouldn't tell me. he says it's for my safety. and i have a feeling Janus knows what happened. i wonder why virgil and janus are close all of a sudden. i mean i thought virgil hated him. but i guess not. well roman wanted to talk to me i went to his room.

Janus' POV////


after i left virgil's room i went to the dark sides to go talk to Depp. because i knew he had something to do with virgil freaking out. I walk in and i shout to depp.

Depp: what is it janus? did you come back to rejoin

Janus: what did you do to my son!

Depp: nothing really. it's not my fault when virgil has a anxiety attack for pitty reasons.

Janus: what did you do!

Depp: just needed to more power so i can return officially.

Janus: leave my son alone.

Depp: aw but that won't be any fun. plus he's and easiest to get scared. all i have to do i threaten him about his friends. friends make you weak.

Janus; what about remus.

Depp: he's my subject not my friend. you should know this Janus.

Janus: Just leave us alone!

Depp: i don't think I will. i want you guys back. i want you to join me to take over.

Janus: I will not EVER hurt thomas. i want to help him. not what you want to do.

Depp: then you'll die with the rest of those pathetic light sides

Janus: not if i end you. right here. right now.

i try to hurt Depp but before i could. he used his powers and threw me into the wall. and i was on the ground.

Depp: Remember Jan. i more powerful then you here. i could end you if i wanted to. but i won't. yet. it's fun watching you suffer. i suggest you leave before i hurt you more.

i got up and left. i was limping a little. before i could leave i bumped into remus

Remus: why hello Dee. come here to join us once again.

Janus: no. i was just about to leave. i don't understand why you want to help him. he's going go kill everyone. even your brother

Remus: it's better then dying with everyone else.

Janus: you know your going to end up dead once he doesn't need you.

Remus didn't say anything after that then i left. i try to not get spotted by anyone but then patton saw me.

Patton: are you okay?

Janus: uh yeah i just fell

Patton: okay....?

i could tell patton didn't really believe me. but i couldn't tell him the truth. i didn't want him to worry. patton told me he would bandage my leg. even tho it wasn't that bad. yet again he is really protective and wants to make sure no one gets hurt. like me.

Patton: so~ um what really happened Jan

Janus: it's best if you don't know

Patton: why?

Janus: you might get hurt if i tell you.

Patton: ok

Janus: so what's going on with everyone and logan and virgil?

Analogical (Virgil x Logan)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant